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Me: hi 👋🏼

Calum: wow she spoke 2 me 1st

Me: bye 👋🏼

Calum: noooo I was just surprised haha

Me: it's cool I know haha
Me: I'm really bored
Me: not that that's the only reason why I'd text you

Calum: I c how it is

Me: I'm waiting in a&e. The wait time is 3 hours.

Calum: r u ok?
Calum: what happened?
Calum: Ellie?
Calum: u ok?
Calum: I'm worrying now.
Calum: Ellie?

*1 missed call from Calum*

Me: it's okay I was with the nurse
Me: thank you though
Me: just fell and I can't move my foot, they're sending me for an X-ray but they think it's fine.

Calum: omg I'm glad ur ok.
Calum: well obvs I hope ur foot gets better
Calum: I was so worried

Me: don't be it's fine! Sorry I probably should have warned you but they call you in so abruptly I was scared to take my time haha

Calum: it's fine! Hope ur ok tho. Were u drunk?

Me: rude
Me: your first thought was that I was drunk
Me: how did you know? 😂

Calum: drunken injuries r always obvious Nd it's early morning where u r

Me: how did you know that?

Calum: I may hav ur location saved on my app

Me: ...

Calum: 2 much?

Me: that's kind of cute idk
Me: like you actually care about me 😊

Calum: I do care about u

Me: you're sweet.
Me: what are you up to today?

Calum: me nd my m8s r travelling 2day

Me: that life of luxury again 😝
Me: come by and pick me up please

Calum: I'd luv 2 but we're off 2 holland.

Me: that's not that far away.

Calum: 😂 I can't pick u up its not a taxi

Me: rude

Calum: Mayb I'll try nd get a detour 2 u soon

Me: may as well while you're this side of the world!

Calum: exactly. We've got 2 go 2 Japan soon.

Me: I always wanted to go there 😭😭😭

Calum: sorry babe

Me: I'm hiding in your suitcase.

Calum: don't think there'd be enough room

Me: 😱😡

Calum: omg not cos ur big. I've got lots of stuff 2 take there!!

Me: well covered up

Calum: sorry I didn't really read that 1 b4 I sent it

Me: no problem I forgive you this time

Calum: ☺️

Me: got to go, my X-ray awaits!

Calum: let me know how it goes!

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