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Unknown: okay u 1st

Me: what?

Unknown: let's get 2 know each other

Me: okay?
Me: what do you want to know?

Unknown: name, age?

Me: Dave, 54,
Me: I joke.
Me: Elisha, but I prefer Ellie. 20.

Unknown: how do I know ur not Dave?

Me: we promised to be honest.

Unknown: I'll just have 2 trust u then!

Me: your turn.

Unknown: Calum. 22.

Me: well hi Calum. It's nice to meet you!

Calum: nice 2 meet u 2.

Me: so what do you do?

Calum: not much tbh just hang out with my friends nd play bass.

Me: nice. I wish that was my life.

Calum: why what do u do?

Me: I work in a hospital. It can be really stressful at times. But I do enjoy it 😊

Calum: that sounds nice! Not the stress part but working in a hospital lol

Me: haha I understood it's fine.
Me: so where are you from?

Calum: Born in Sydney.

Me: Australia?!?!?

Calum: yh but I travel now.

Me: you're just living a life of luxury eh? Haha

Calum: u could say that lol but some parts r bad tbh

Me: oh sorry to hear that!
Me: How comes?

Calum: just not gettin time with ppl I luv. Haven't seen my fam in ages

Me: oh no, sorry 😢
Me: I'm sure they miss you too.
Me: Can't you talk to them on WhatsApp? Or FaceTime?

Calum: I try but not much time espesh time zones

Me: I hope you get to talk to them too.
Me: If not, I'm here to talk to 😊

Calum: thank you sweetie ❤️

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