"I'm, I'm calling 911!" Nagisa stuttered, pulling out his phone. But I stopped him, shaking my head and pulling his phone out of his hands. He looked at me as if I was insane, before saying to give him the phone so he could call for help.

But it's no use. This human is dying and there isn't anything that could be done. Not unless I use them.

"Karma please!" The bluenet begged, his sapphire eyes already tearing up.

"He won't make it."

Nagisa's eyes wavered, staring at me and then at the dying man. The man stared into my eyes, almost daring me to do anything. He didn't intimidate me.

Calling up my flames, I watched as my hand was soon engulfed in them. The man squirmed away from me, I'm surprised he could still move with his body in pain. He whimpered when I used my hand that wasn't on fire to roll him on his back. Nagisa knew what I was going to do and helped by placing the man's head on his lap. Now that I have a closer look at the wound...it was deep. It was a hole that was as large as a soccer ball. The fact that he still lives amazes me.

But there was something about the wound that had me uneasy. His blood was tainted, it didn't smell the way it should. His blood was infected with some sort of poison, a poison that belongs to a species of demons that I've only ever seen a few times in hell. I need to heal him, and I need to do it now. Me doing this is dangerous as it is, I shouldn't reveal my flames like this. I curse my human heart for my softness.

Placing my flamed hand over his wound, I focused on burning the poison and regenerating and reviving dead cells, so the injury would close...however, before I could do any of that...he gripped onto my wrist and pushed my hand away. I raised a brow, staring at him with confusion.

"You are dying. Let me heal you." I spoke, my tone soft as to not alarm the man. But he simply shook his head. Nagisa looked at me with worried eyes.

"Sir please...I can assure you that he won't hurt you. We just want to help." My contractor pleaded.

"No...no I don't...I don't want your help--" he coughed, blood dripping down his bearded chin. "I refuse help--from a demon....especially one with the blood of--" he coughed again, and I was thankful that he did. He almost revealed my bloodline.

Who is this man and how does he know about Fire demons? For all I know, my species of demons are rare in this world. Not much information on us.


"I said I refuse." He grunted again. "Please respect my honor as a hunter..."

Nagisa wanted to argue with him, but with one grip of his shoulder, he quieted down. There's one thing I know about hunters, and that is that they're serious about their career, they expect others to be serious about it as well. The least they ask for is respect of their decisions.

"Very well..." I called away my flames. "We respect your wishes."

He stared at me with narrowed eyes, before softening as he sighed. He nodded at my words, sending me a silent 'thank you'. He realized that I mean no harm, seeing that he's no longer tense...but that's probably from the blood lost...his body relaxing and waiting for death to claim it.

"You're a Demon of Fire. Third one I've seen--in my life..." He inhaled sharply. "Certainly the youngest."

Nagisa couldn't speak anymore, judging by his expression and gestures. So this man's last conversation would have to be with a demon.

"I am pretty young..." Fourteen to be exact, but I'm not telling him that. "You're definitely the oldest human I've interacted with since I've been here."

What sounded like a chuckle and a cough erupted from him. "Demons sure know how to insult a human..." He said. "Question....you're no ordinary demon, no. From the other fire demons I've encountered during my younger years, you're different from them....why's that?"

I pursed my lips together and averted my gaze, that's information that I shouldn't give away so carelessly. I can get taken advantage of if I were to snitch about myself. He understood immediately, apologizing.

"What's your name?" I asked him, returning his gaze. "If that's not too much to ask."

He sighed. "Not at all, demon. The name's Percius."

"Will I see you in hell?"

Percius looked slightly shaken by that question, but I was genuinely curious...by the looks of it, this hunter is full of sin, but his sins were most likely committed to protect those around him. His family judging by the picture that peaked out of his coat's pocket.

"You will...unfortunately I have not done much good in life, all for the sake of..." He didn't finish his sentence. It was then that I noticed the light escaping his eyes. In no more than a minute will this man's soul leave this world and enter the afterlife.

"Do you wish to burn in the fires in hell...or have your soul devoured by me."

At this, Nagisa snapped. "What the hell, Karma?!" He hissed. "You can't just--"

"Will it hurt?"

Nagisa was shocked at his words, and stared down. Percius looked as if he was considering my offer. His eyes wavering as he stared at me, only a little bit of light left in his eyes. In reality, I'm not entirely sure....truth be told, I've only ever had one human soul in my life, I've claimed that I've had more but that's nothing but a bluff. I hate seeing the pained expressions of people losing their soul to a demon, it's undeniably heart wrenching.

But they don't actually feel pain. Not physically. Human's losing their soul are pained by the fact that they didn't get to live long enough, that they haven't been alive in their lives.

"No. But you'll feel regret."

"Sir...are you sure you want to die? Please just let him heal you..." Nagisa spoke with a trembling tone. This is probably his first time experiencing this.

Percius shook his head. "I'm a hunter, young man, I refuse to be saved by a hunter's sworn enemy."

The bluenet couldn't stop his tears, or the muffled sobs. His hand was over his mouth, keeping the noise to a minimum...his body shook with despair as his heart ached for Percius. I could feel his sadness. Nagisa's I mean. Our contract allows us to feel each other's emotions if we allow ourselves to. He is unstable at the moment, and I could feel what he's feeling right now.

"I desire no pain..." Percius said after coughing. "I knew I was going to die after that battle with the dark demon..."

"Dark demon..." I knew it. "You fought a Demon of Darkness."

"Yes. It was far too powerful for someone my age. I should've turned away. Fight another day..." His tone was filled with regret. "Now I will die, but I wish for no pain. I know I'm being a coward, selfish...but I'm human. And humans are always filled with greed. The good kind and bad. I greed for a painless afterlife. I accept your offer, Demon of Flames who's name is Karma."

With a slow nod, I stood from the ground, looking down at the soon-to-be corpse.

"May you rest in peace, Percius. Your soul shall not be tortured for eternity, but will instead be freed from such punishment. I, Akabane Karma, shall devour your soul and grant you peace. You are not filled with greed, but desire, you're no coward nor are you selfish. You are human." Flames engulfed us in a sort of fire-igloo, not harming anyone.


That night was filled with Nagisa's cries. Cries for someone who wasn't known, someone who wasn't a familiar aspect in our lives. But he was free from the clutches of hell. He was given freedom...

....and what a better death than that.

What am I doing, lol. What's even the plot? I have absolutely no idea. Don't know when I'll publish the next part, but until next time. Stay tuned, bye!

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