✧ Six ✧

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Damon Camp

I couldn't believe he asked me out. Right when I was gonna ask him out, too. At least one of us had the balls to do it, I guess. Right now I was on my way to go pick him up from his house, yesterday was the last day of school, and I hadn't seen him since my graduation, which was almost a week ago. I missed him. Really bad.
I pulled into his driveway, since there was only one car parked here instead of the three that was usually here. I killed the engine and went up to the front door. I'd never been inside of his house, I usually just dropped him off, waited until he was inside, and then left. I knocked on the door and it was a few minutes before a tiny woman answered the door.
Definitely Jamie's mom.
"Uh, is Jamie home?" I said, awkwardly.
She stared at me for a second, and then a smile lit her face. "You must be Damon."
"That's me."
"Well come on in," She ushered me in and closed the door. "He'll be down in just a second." She pointed for me to sit on the couch, so I did, and then she went to the bottom of the stairs and yelled up them. "Jameison! He's here!"
Such a powerful voice for a little lady, I thought to myself.
"I'm Vanessa, by the way, Jamie's mom."
"Nice to meet you." I smiled and shook the hand she offered. "I see where Jamie gets his good looks from." I joked.
"Oh, hush." She waved me off but smiled. "Him and Jane are the only two that actually look like me."
"All of my brothers and my sister and me, we all look like my mom, too."
"Jamie was telling me you have six brothers and a sister? Was that true?"
I nodded, "Yeah. My dad was in the army and every time he came home, surprise! There was a new baby."
She laughed, "Your mom must be superhuman."
"Sometimes I think she is." I laughed back.
After a few minutes of silence, she sent down on the second couch that was across from me. "So, what do you think of Jamie?"
"Well," Oh no. Here came the nerves. "If I didn't only know him for a month...I would say that I love him."
"Love him?" If she'd been drinking something, she woulda spit it back out.
But I nodded. "He's the sweetest person ever. And...I just wanna do everything with him, ya know? I think I can honestly say that I'm in love with him."
She nodded and smiled to herself, but didn't say anything. And then Jamie came down the stairs. "Ready to go?"
"If you are."
"Well, it was nice finally meeting you, Damon." Vanessa hugged me as I followed her son out of the house.
"I'll have Jamie home by midnight," I teased as I hugged her back.
"No curfew, go have fun." She waved us off.
"I hope she didn't grill you too hard." Jamie rolled his eyes as he clicked his seatbelt on.
"Grill me? Hardly. She was actually super nice."
"She usually is." He looked out the window.
Something was definitely bothering him. "Are you okay?"
"I don't wanna talk about it right now," He looked over at me, putting his hand on my thigh, which made me tense up because that only woke something else up. And he could sense it, making him chuckle. "Sorry about that." And the went to move his hand.
"No, it's okay." I grabbed his hand and put it back on my thigh, which made the both of us blush. Thankfully, the start of my boner had died down by the time I pulled back into my parking spot right in front of my house.
I lead Jamie into the kitchen where my mom was making the non-grilled food. "Oh, hi, Jamie." She smiled as she seen him.
"Hi, Mrs. Camp."
"Hon, what did I tell you to call me?" She gave him a stern eye brow raise.
"Sorry," He said, awkwardly. "Maddison."
"That's better." Her smile returned.

Jamie Pratt

There were so many people here, and this was just his immediate family, all of his siblings and his parents, and a couple of women that I don't think I seen before. There was also a chubby little girl running around and then a probably 9 month old was being passed around by his brothers. I tried not to feel so awkward, but I couldn't help it. I was excited, but I was also stressed out. And I was trying really hard not to be.
We weren't dating, but that didn't stop Damon from holding my hand as I followed him around his backyard, actually meeting his brothers who I didn't get a chance to talk to at his graduation: Christian, and his pregnant wife, Maggie, and then his brother Colin, and then his brother Jeremy, and his very pregnant girlfriend, Amber. She didn't seem all that friendly, and Jeremy didn't seem to pay her any mind when she made a snarky comment.
"Just try and ignore Amber," Damon casually whispered, "we all do."
"What's her deal?" I asked.
"She's not a fan of the homo's, is what's her problem." Ashlie appeared out of nowhere, throwing her arm around me. "That and she kinda hates Jeremy, but she's still popping his kids out." She said it just loud enough for everybody to turn and look at her. Including Jeremy and Amber.
"Ashlie," Jeremy deadpanned her. "Was that really necessary?"
"Sorry," Ashlie said, defensively putting her hands up.
Damon pulled me away from the little drama corner while Ashlie continued to get scorned by their brother, and we sat down at an outdoor table. "She just has a constant stick up her ass, that's all." He clarified. "Her and Jeremy are constantly off and on and they fight a lot."
"But they're having another baby together?" I raised a brow.
     "My parents think it was her way of getting him to not leave again. Jeremy loves his kids, and he's a great dad, but him and Amber just aren't really...compatible, you know what I mean?"
     Before I had a chance to respond, his brother Cole approached us, the infant in his arm and the toddler leading him to us.
"These are my nieces," Damon warmed up as the toddler climbed into his lap, and he let Cole hand him the infant. "This is Luna, she's Christian's," The toddler smiled and waved at me. "And this is Jeremy's, Sophie." He nudged the baby in my direction, and she lit up as she seen me.
He had a sparkle in his eye when he was talking about them. And that's when I knew it.

The barbecue was a lot of fun. And I definitely liked hanging around his family. His dad, Christian, Colin, and Jeremy were the ones who grilled and they definitely coulda been honorable gays with the way they handled the meat.
I shook the thought out of my head as Damon's fingers were lazily playing with mine. Once everybody had eaten, they decided to do a bonfire to end the night. Now I was getting tired, but I didn't want the night to end.
"We should have our date tomorrow," I blurted when it was just the two of us around the fire.
"I'd like that," The flames gave his face an ambered glow. "How come tomorrow, though?"
I looked over at him. "Because it's my birthday."

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