✧ Five ✧

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Jamie Pratt

I was really nervous going to Damon's graduation. He had texted me the night he told me about it to give me the information, but that was it. I hadn't heard anything about it since. I hoped he still wanted me here.
"I wanna go get nachos, do you want anything?" Janey dug her credit card out from her wallet.
"For this week to be over," I looked over at my twin, who was deadpanning me.
"Sorry, Jamie, despair is all sold out, anything else I can get you?"
"Just a soda."
"Just a soda, got it." She confirmed and was off.
I wished I had remembered how long graduations took. The only other two that I had been to was my brother, Preston's last year, and then my sister, Victoria's three years ago. It was crazy to think that Janey and I would be graduating in two years.
"Here ya go." Jane had returned, handing me my drink and sitting down with a full plate of nachos in her other hand. "I think I might start coming to the hockey games here just for the nachos, this shit's amazing." She said with a mouth full of them.
I ignored her and focused as the staff started their long scpeal about their hopes and wishes for their graduating seniors, which was garenteed abeout 90% of the entire ceremony. And then they started calling names. Ashlie's name was called right before Damon's - I didn't think they were in the same grade for some reason - and when they said his, I was so giddy.
"That's your man?" Jane whispered to me, but I could barely hear her over all of the cheering. "He's a cutie!"
"He's not my man," I blushed. "But yeah, he's cute."
"You want him to be, so close enough." She shrugged and went back to stuffing her face.
We continued to sit for the remainder of the ceremony and as soon as they released everybody, I pulled Janey up with me because I was excited to go see Damon. But of course. We didn't know this huge ass arena, so we ended up getting lost. Which ended up in me texting Damon to find out where he was at.
Look for a flagpole out front! was what he had responded.
My sister and I had to be blind as bats. Because we were right in front of the flagpole. The entire time.
"Jamie!" He had seen me first, and the look on his face when he did made my chest feel like it was tightening (among other things.) He held his arms open for me and I hugged him tightly, ignoring my sister, and the rest of his family. "I'm so glad you ended up coming."
I had a comment to make about that, but I kept it tucked away for another time. "I told you I was," I smiled at him.
God I wanted to kiss him so bad. But his entire family was standing here. Not that they'd care, according to Damon, but that didn't make me feel any less awkward. This was my first time meeting any of them, besides Ashlie.
"Ma," Damon waved over a taller, older woman. Even if he hadn't called her 'ma,' I would've known right away that she was his mom. The two of them (and the rest of his siblings) all literally looked the exact same, Ashlie wasn't exaggerating. "This is Jamie."
Oh, so they'd talked about me?
It took her a second to look down - I'm shorter than I'd care to admit - and her eyes lit up. "You're so adorable!"
"Ma!" Damon scolded her, his cheeks turning pink while I felt my own heat up.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart! But you can't tell me that he's not literally the cutest thing ever!" She gushed. Oh yeah, she was gonna get along just fine with my mom.
"Call me Maddison," She smiled, warmly and hugged me, tight. "My boy's told me a lot about you, Jamie, I'm so excited that I'm finally getting to meet you!"
"I'm excited to meet you, too." I hugged her back, before Damon looped his arm around my waist.
"I need to talk to you," He whispered so that only I could hear.
"So do I." I said.
After him and his family took their pictures, his mom insisted that she get a couple of the two of us, as well. But then he finally got to pull me away so that we could talk by ourselves.
"So, I was thinking..." His face suddenly went bright red, and he was way more awkward than before.
"Do you wanna go out on a date?" I cut him off and he looked at me dumbfounded for a second.
He bit his bottom lip. "I shit you not I was getting ready to ask you out. I just got really nervous."
He chuckled. "Why did you get nervous?"
"Because what if you had said no?"
"What if I had said yes?"
"I would've been estatic."
"Good," I had to stand on my tip toes to kiss him, even just a quick peck, "Then it's a date."

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