✧ Three ✧

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Damon Camp

Jamie and I had made plans for the next day, which was Saturday. I hadn't tried to 'doll' myself up like I had yesterday, because, I could clearly tell that he liked me when I was at my messy haired, over-smelling of axe self. Which was good, because that's how I liked me.
Anyways, we decided that we were gonna meet up at the library, and I - without telling my parents - made off to go see him. When I got there, he was already sitting there, waiting for me at one of the empty tables in the middle of the room.
"Hey," He smiled when he seen me.
"Hey." I smiled back at sat across from him, noticing he already had his work out.
And completed finished.
"I thought I was supposed to be helping you?" I pulled his paper closer to examine his answers.
"Yeah, all of that was an excuse to hang out with you." He said, sheepishly.
"Maybe you should be helping me with my homework." My gut felt funny, and I couldn't help but grin. "Do you wanna get out of here?"
"How come you won't tell me where we're going?" Jamie eagerly looked out the window, but much to his dismay, all there was to see, was trees.
"It's a surprise." I said.
"Well nothing screams suspicious like driving for twenty-five minutes in the woods."
"I promise," I chuckled. "You'll like where we're going. And it hasn't been twenty-five minutes, more like fifteen." He didn't say anything, but he sat back in his seat, still looking out the window. "We're just about there," I reassured him. "Don't worry."
It was another few minutes before it came into view, and Jamie sat up to see it better. "Is that where we're headed?"
"Yeah." I couldn't help but smile.
I pulled into the gravel covered driveway and killed the engine before climbing out. I went around to the other side and let Jamie out, who was still staring. "Why does this place make me nervous but excited at the same time?"
"Because it's a special place." I concluded, leading him up to the front door. "It may look sketchy, but I promise, it's not."
He looked around, probably completely turned off by the fact that he looked like it was falling apart, but I think that way my favorite part. How old it looked, worn out and weathered with love. I unlocked it, which took a lot longer than I was hoping because my hands were shaking with nervousness. But, as soon as I had it open, I flipped the light on and let Jamie go in first.
"What is this place?" He looked around.
"My family's cabin." I sat on the couch. "My grandpa, dad, and my uncle built it when they were younger. We used to stay here a lot when I was younger, my siblings and my cousins, but then when my grandpa died, it made my dad and uncle too sad to be here. So I come here when I want to be alone."
"Does your family know that you still come here?"
"Probably not." I shrugged.
He sat next to me on the couch, and we just talked for a little bit about nothing really in particular. Some stuff about school, some stuff about town, but that was really it.
"So what made you move all the way out here?"
"My parents both lost their jobs," He pulled his knees up to his chest. "My aunt and uncle live here, so we're staying with them while my dad finds a job."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"It's fine," He shook his head. "I lived in New York my whole life and I never really cared for it. Too busy, ya know? I don't think my parents ever cared for it too much, either."
"Well, then, that's good...I think." I was trying to be supportive, I hope I didn't sound like an ass because I didn't know what to say. "I hope they find something, soon."
"I hope so, too. I love my cousins, but I have five siblings alone, and there's five of them, too. There's fourteen people to a four bedroom house. Everybody's on top of each other. I hate it, honestly." He huffed. "My cousins are a little...iffy of me."
     "How come?"
     "I don't even know how they know, because I know my parents or siblings wouldn't have said anything. But...I'm gay and they think that's weird. And so does my aunt and uncle. They aren't like...full fledge homophobic, but they might as well be."
     "Damn, I'm really sorry, Jamie."
     "It's okay." He shook his head. "I'm used to it, I mean, back in New York, it's more accepted, but that doesn't mean everybody is okay with it, which was another reason we had to move because I was being harrassed by people from school."
     "Jamie," I set my hands on his knees and he looked at me. "I'm here if you need to talk, about anything...ever."
     So I listened while he vented about everything. About how he felt it was partly his fault why they had to move, to which I told him it wasn't. Everything happens for a reason. And I hoped that that reason was to meet me, even if that sounded a little selfish.
"I'm sorry," He shook his head, his face turning a light shade of red, "I tend to just go on and on and on, sometimes. You didn't really need to listen to all that."
"No, no, no, it's fine." I reassured him. "Sometimes you need to just get it out."
He blushed and looked at the floor. "I should probably get going home soon."
"Whenever you're ready, just let me know." I smiled.
After showing him around the cabin a little bit more - he was so shocked when he realized it was waaaaaaaay bigger on the inside - he was ready to go home. I think he made himself upset while talking about New York and his family. If I knew that would've happened, I would have changed the subject. He was quiet the entire way back to his house, only really talking when telling me where to go. And I was surprised, we didn't live that far away from each other.
I parked on the side of the road as we got to his house. He looked at me, his big blue eyes studying me. "Sorry I got annoying back there."
"Jamie, I told you, you're okay." I gave him a sympathetic smile. "If you need to talk, I'm here."
And just like that, he was back to his sweet, smiling self. "I really like you, Damon. Like...I really, really, really like you."
"I really, really, really like you, too."
He opened the door and hesitated before leaning up and pressing his lips against mine. I tensed for a second, completely shocked that he kissed me. He pulled away before I could react - or even kiss him back - and smiled at me as he climbed out, slinging his bag over his shoulder as he shut the door.
Even after I watched him go in the house, I was stuck there for a moment. And then, I knew it.

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