✧ One ✧

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Damon Camp

     I don't think I ever had to wonder what my sexuality was. I think I always knew I was gay, even when I thought I was bi for a short period of time, I hadn't completely thought girls' bodies were disgusting and then I slept with one and boooooooy was I wrong. I had confirmed my suspicion of my gayness when I couldn't finish with her (I had to think about...other things, just to be able to), but I could when I fooled around with another guy. He was just one of my friends who was also bi-curious at the time, so we decided to experiment for a while. He discovered he was definitely straight. I liked sleeping with him, even if I hadn't liked him in that kind of way. I think it was because I like what he represented to me: freedom of my sexuality. I had definitely learned what I liked. And what I liked, was the hard embodiment of a man.
     My family was super into each other's business (I guess that's what happens when you're one of eight kids) so they found out pretty fast. They didn't care, just so long as I was happy. I was so glad my family was open like that.
     And I think that's what had me so prepared for when he came walking through that door to our 8:45 am math class. Okay, so maybe I hadn't been completely prepared, because as soon as I laid eyes on him, my breath caught in my throat and I definitely felt my pants get tighter.
     And then I felt really bad, because I was like 99% sure he was like fourteen. Which was definitely off limits. I quickly thought about old naked ladies to get my lower situation under control, just in time to come back to reality of the teacher introducing him. I didn't catch his name, though. Fuck.
     "Where to put you...where to put you..." Mr. Finder scratched at his stubbly chin as he looked around the class, and then it seemed a light bulb went off in his head. "Actually, I'm going to put you next to Damon. Damon, raise your hand."
     Well fuck, just my luck.
     I swallowed the dry lump in the back of my throat and half-ass raised my hand. His face blushed, and I'm sure mine did, too. I put my hand back down as he sat next to me. "I'm Jamie," He smiled at me, his eyes were so...big and blue. Ah, fuck. My boner was back.
     "Damon." I smiled back.
     Class went by pretty fast. Mr. Finder usually just gave us an entire packet to go along with our book and then by Friday, we would go over the answers, and then have a test the following Monday before being given a new packet. I actually liked his system because I was terrible at math, and the entire week to work on it was a blessing.
     "If you don't mind me asking," Oh God. My voice was breaking. What the hell. "What grade are you in?"
     "I'm about to turn sixteen. I'm a sophomore." He chuckled. "I know, I know, I'm really short."
     "I like it," I blurted out, "I mean it suits you." God I was so awkward.
     He smiled, proceeding to tell me his classes. He had math with me, first hour (duh), second he had health, then lunch - so we also had the same lunch period - and then he had English, history, and lastly child development.
     "Isn't that the class where you have to take care of a baby?" I raised my brow.
     "Yeah," He smiled. "I wanna be a pediatrician...and a dad some day, so killing two birds with one stone can't really hurt."
     "Gotcha." And I proceeded to tell him my own schedule. Math, photography, lunch, gym, history, and then english.

     "So," Jamie turned to look at me just as the bell had rang, releasing us. "Are you gonna help me get caught up?"
     I was literally useless at any kind of math. Addition included. I still had to use my fingers for the most basic of problems. But something compelled me to nod my head. "Yeah, I'll help you anytime."
     "Good." I could have sworn I seen a smirk as he slapped a piece of paper down on my desk and then turned around, exiting out of the classroom before I could even get another word out. I hesitated, stuck watching his backside before it was completely out of sight before picking up the paper and looking at it.
     I got his phone number.

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