✧ Two ✧

732 21 1

Damon Camp

I stood in front of my mirror and tried to comb my hair down so that it looked nice. I had gone through three different shirts - the first one looked too snug, the second one had a big stain that I didn't know was there, and the third one was too tumblr-y - before deciding on the third one. I was stressing myself out for no reason. Well, no, there was a reason.
"Wait a minute," I nearly jumped as I heard my mom from behind me. I looked at her in the mirror and she stared at me in disbelief. "Your hair is brushed, you're actually dressed, and..." She got closer and sniffed the air around me. "You took an actual shower instead of spraying a God-awful amount of Axe?" And then there was the look of pure excitement on her face: "My baby has a crush!"
"Ma!" I scolded and she erupted into laughter. "Don't you have, ya know, another four children to go harass instead?"
"Oh, I'm just teasing you!" She chuckled before she set a laundry basket on my bed. "Anyways, is he cute?"
"What! You can't blame me for being curious as to who in the world is interesting enough that would make you want to doll yourself up!"
Well. She had a point. I never really cared about what I was wearing. As long as it looked decent enough, and smelled decent enough, I usually just threw it on. But this morning, I actually woke up early and took a shower before getting dressed, and still having time to spare before leaving for school. "His name's Jamie." I finally let out a sigh.
"Jamie, huh? Sound's pretty cute."
"Oh, my God, ma, he is." The words rolled off of my tongue before I even had time to think about them. "He moved here earlier this week, and I don't know." I shrugged.
"What do you mean, 'you don't know'?"
I shrugged, again. "I don't know. I don't know if he likes me or if he's just being friendly. I only really get to see him during math and lunch. And sometimes in the hall. He gives me this feeling in my gut. This really, really good feeling."
"Among other places, I'm assuming." She smirked.
"We're not getting into that." I huffed and shut her down, quick. "He's just...I like him. Even if I just met him." I quickly turned back to the mirror, looking at my hair to avoid her seeing the blush on my face. "I just hope he likes me, too."
"Hey," She tilted my chin to look at her. "When you know, Damon...you know."
I smiled at her. How did mom's almost always know what to say and when they needed to say it? Was it some kinda mom-intuition they acquired after pushing out a baby? If that was the case, my mom's must be great, considering she has eight kids.
She left my room and closed the door behind her. With one last look in the mirror, I ran my hands through my hair, making it look all messy. If Jamie was gonna like me, he was gonna like me for me.

I was sitting at the lunch table, waiting on my sister, Ashlie, to finish getting her food when Jamie sat his own lunch bag down across from me. "Can I?" He questioned before sitting.
I hesitated, half in la-la land when he talked to me because I couldn't get over how cute he was, and half because I was excitedly that he was asking if he could sit with me. This had been the first time all week that he'd asked, normally he went and sat off with some girl who looked like she could be his sister. It probably was, considering I'd never seen her before this week, either.
"Yeah, sorry, go ahead." I shook my head, realizing I was being rude as fuck. He let out a small chuckle as he sat down before he started to empty his lunch bag. "How come you're not sitting with your sister?"
He looked up at me, quizzically, raising a brow. "How'd you know she's my sister?"
I felt a blush creeping on my face - did he think I was stalking him? Oh, shit. He probably thought I was. I shrugged, awkwardly. "I just kinda assumed she was, I mean, she looks just like you."
"She decided to spend her lunch hour sucking face in the weight room," He said so nonchalantly that I wondered if she did it on a regular basis. "That's my twin, Jane."
"Oh, is she your only sibling?"
"Nah." He took a bite of his sandwich. "I have three sisters and a brother. What about you?"
"I have six brothers, and one sister," I nodded my head in the direction of Ashlie as I seen her approaching. "Speak of the devil, here's mine."
Ashlie looked innocently over at Jamie as she sat down, leaning over she whispered, "Is this who you were talking about this morning?" To which, I'm almost 95% certain that he could hear her, but he didn't comment on it. "I'm Ashlie." She then attempted to redeem herself.
"Jamie." He smiled at her, and then turned his attention back to me. "You really have six brothers?"
"Think about it this way," Ashlie interrupted. "I have seven."
He laughed at her. "Are they all as cute as Damon?"
That made my sister laugh, but I choked on the food in my mouth, coughing and swallowing hard. I definitely hadn't expected him to call me cute. "I mean," Ashlie smacked me hard on the back. "They all pretty much look the same. Black hair, blue eyes, always have that dumb look on their faces."
"Yeah, but boys always look like that." Jamie teased.
"Why am I personally being attacked?" I stuck my hands up in defense.
"Because I like when your face turns that shade of pink." He said quietly, he was looking down at his lunch, but I could see a smile on his lips.

Right before lunch ended, Ashlie went to go throw her tray away, so I made her take mine as well, just so that I could get a chance to talk to him by myself again. "You know," He said, "I think I'm gonna take you up on your offer of getting me caught up."
"Y-yeah?" Why was I so nervous all of a sudden?
"Yeah." He nodded, his eyes lighting up and a devious smile on his face.
I think I knew where he was going.

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