Forty Four| All Things Go

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"I can't believe my hardwoods are messed up." Santana whined as she slid her feet into a pair of sandals.

"Girl, don't worry about that. I'll clean it up." Sanaa walked down the stairs with the baby bag while Easton was behind her carrying the over night bag.

"Would I be greedy if I ate some more hot wings?" Their family and friends laughed at her but she was dead ass serious. "Never mind," she leaned against the wall and let out short breaths as her first contraction passed. "Get me to the hospital now, please."

Bully had already driven the car to the front of the house. Easton grabbed his fiancé's hand and led the way to the car. "We're gonna be right behind y'all." Daliah announced, walking to her car with Saadiq following.

After making sure Amour was in good hands, they headed to the hospital. "Oh my God!" Santana shouted as another contraction rippled through her. Easton grabbed her hand, making her snatch her hand free from his grasp. "This is all your fault-ahh!" Her back arched off of the seat. Her top half was laying down on the seat with her head in her fiancé's lap.

"It's gon be alright, San. You got this, ma."

She thought it was cute that he was tryna talk her through this but she was in so much pain that the only emotion she seemed to express was anger. "I love you baby but please, be quiet for five minutes." Easton started laughing because Dr. Brown warned them that this was going to happen. "You think this shit is funny?" Santana tried to sit up before another contraction occurred. They were happening every five minutes at this point. If they didn't arrive at the hospital soon, she was definitely going to give birth in the back of this Maybach.

A few minutes later, the car finally came to a complete stop. Bully opened the door with hospital staff behind him. Santana let out a sigh of relief before another contraction started. Easton helped her out of the car and into the wheelchair they had waiting for her.

"Easton," Santana reached out her hand. He grabbed it and walked by her side as she was wheeled to a room. When her gripped tightened, he knew another contraction was flowing through her. "I think they're coming--ahh." That was all the nurse had to hear before she sped up her pace. By the time they got San situated in the bed and her legs in the stirrups, she was crowning. Her babies weren't waiting anymore. They were ready to make their way into the world. "Wait! I can't get an epidural?"

Dr. Brown looked up at her favorite patient and smiled. "Santana, you are fully dilated. These babies will be here any minute now. Just get ready to push."

Easton was on the side, still holding her hand. "I love you so much." He leaned down and kissed her sweaty forehead.

"I love you too." She closed her eyes as another pain ran through her. "Just know I'm not having anymore. It's a wrap." Easton smiled at her because he was perfectly fine with that.

"Ready, San? Push on 3. One. Two. Three."

"Ugh!" She pushed as hard as she could.

"Almost. Give me one more push." After catching her breath, she squeezed her fiancé's hand and did as her doctor instructed. "Good job." Dr. Brown pulled baby number one out as he yelled to the mountain tops. "Healthy baby boy."

"Oh my God." Santana didn't even realize she was crying but hearing her child's cries brought tears to her eyes. She faced Easton. "That's our baby."

He ran his hand across her hair and smiled with tears in his eyes as well. "You're a soldier, San. Thank you for this."

"No thank you. I love you so much-ahh!" She groaned.

"Baby number two is ready." Dr. Brown got back into position. "Push on three, Santana." She whimpered as she prepared herself. "One. Two. Three." With all the strength she had, Santana pushed. "Good. We need one more good one." Easton's face balled up because she squeezed his hand hella hard as she pushed. It felt like her vagina was tearing but all she wanted was two healthy babies. "Okay. I need one more, San." Letting out a deep breath, Santana used the rest of her energy for this one. Dr. Brown reached and pulled baby number two out the rest of the way.

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