A set destination

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You smiled as you sat next to your grandfather while star gazing. You clutched your teddy to your chest as the stars shining brilliance was reflected through your big round E/C eyes. As you were watching the stars, you saw a shooting star and your eyes widened. Your face then broke out into a wide grin and you pointed up to it.

"Grandpa! Did you see that!? Something flew through the sky!" You exclaimed. Your grandfather looked down at you and smiled. He then grinned and looked up at the shooting star.

"That was a dragon." Your grandfather told. Your eyes widened and you grinned as your face lit up in delight.

"A dragon!? Woah!" Your grandfather's best friend, Calmon, sighed and shook his head.

"Stop messing around with her. That was a shooting star, Y/N." A look of shock crossed your face while your grandfather burst out laughing and slapped his knee.

"I got you there Y/N!" Your grandfather laughed. You pouted and frowned at your grandfather.

"Grandpa!" You complained. Your grandfather grinned at you and looked up at the sky.

"Alright, I'll stop with the jokes. For now." You pouted while Calmon sighed and shook his head. The three of you then looked up at the sky together and your grandfather smiled softly at it. "You know, Y/N, somewhere in that vast place we call space there is something magical there." Your grandfather told. You looked at your grandfather with curious eyes.

"What is it?" You questioned. Your grandfather smiled at you.

"An ancient technology called the Antiquorum, also known as the ancient mother board for all robots and technology. It was created over 1000 years ago. The only information on it is that a group of humans saw it from the distance but they weren't able to get close to it." Your eyes widened.

"How come they weren't able to get close to it?" You questioned.

"Well, they got lost. They had lost their way and weren't able to return to it." Your grandfather explained. You nodded and looked up at the sky. Your grandfather smiled and sighed. "I too had searched for the Antiquorum, but I was unsuccessful in my search. I'm now getting on in my years and I am no longer capable of searching for it. It was always my dream to find it." Your grandfather told. You looked at your grandfather and stood up. You then grinned at him.

"Then I'll go and search for it! I'll go and search for the Antiquorum!" You exclaimed. Your grandfather looked at you with wide eyes. He then chuckled and stood up and ruffled your hair.

"I know that if you were the one to search for it, then you'll definitely find it, if it's you." Your grandfather told. You smiled at your grandfather as your cheeks turned rosy. You then looked up at the sky and smiled.


You put on your everyday outfit which consisted of a light purple tank top and a pair of brown shorts with a brown open trench coat over your tank top with the sleeves rolled up to your elbow. You wore knee high brown boots, a pair of brown gloves and a pair of goggles on top of your head. You looked at yourself in the mirror and nodded in satisfaction and turned around.

"Okay, you ready Plue?" You questioned as you grabbed your bag and looked at a light purple cat which was sitting down on the counter while holding a fish in his paws. Plue looked up at you and smiled and raised his paw.

"Aye!" You smiled and walked over to the door as Plue jumped down from the counter and ran after you. Plue wasn't your ordinary everyday cat, he was a being that walked on two legs like any normal human and could also speak the human tongue. Now his existence isn't that out of the ordinary in this day and age. Plue comes from a species called the Skybrids. The Skybrids were a recently discovered species which consisted of cats who could speak the human tongue, although they resided on a completely different planet and were hard to get. You had met Plue right after your grandfather had died. Plue had always been there for you, and you were grateful. You looked behind at Plue.

"Come on Plue! Let's get going!" You exclaimed. Plue raised his eyebrow at you.

"Why are you so excited? Where are we going?" Plue questioned as he caught up to you and looked up at you. You grinned.

"Did you really forget? We're going to the ancient planet where humans originated from, planet Earth!" You exclaimed. Plue's big round eyes widened.

"Earth? But that place has been abandoned for over 1000 years! You aren't going to find anything there." Plue told as he rested his paws on his small hips. You grinned at Plue.

"You never know. We just might find something!" Plue sighed and shook his head as you climbed into your small spaceship. Everyone in the cosmos had a space ship and used it to travel to other planets to either visit family or go on business. Plue climbed in after you and sat down in the other seat next to yours. You sat down and looked at Plue. "Okay Plue, start up the engines!" You exclaimed.

"Aye sir!" Plue flicked the switch and you grabbed hold of the steering wheel. Even though you were twelve, you had managed to get away with driving a space ship. The spaceship flew up into the sky and you grinned.

"Take off!" You exclaimed as you drove the spaceship into space. "Plue, make a course for planet Earth!" You exclaimed. Plue nodded and put in the coordinates for planet Earth. You then followed the coordinates and headed straight for the planet earth. As you were driving, Plue looked up at you.

"Hey Y/N. Exactly what are you hoping to find in Earth?" You glanced down at Plue and smiled.

"I was hoping to find some information on the Antiquorum. I mean if it was made over a thousand years ago then it must have something to do with Earth, right?" Plue shrugged and took out s fish and started eating it. You chuckled and looked out at the cosmos and smiled when you saw a brown and blue planet in the distance. You had finally arrived at your destination; planet Earth.

Search of the Antiquorum (Astro boy X reader)Where stories live. Discover now