.Rise and Fall. (52)

Start from the beginning

My tears didn't stop falling out and the pain didn't go away for how long I don't even know. Just the numbness of my body grew more and more with the minutes that passed. Hugging my knees to my chest, I kept wishing that it was all a nightmare and it would go away soon. But it didn't.

The knock on my window brought me to the real world but the pain was still there. I didn’t have to see who that person was. Rubbing my eyes clear I plastered a fake smile, I stood up.

"Hey I saw your mom's car. Is she home?", he asked climbing in after I opened the window out for him. I hummed in reply because I didn't trust my voice as I walk towards the bathroom. Before I can get in, he pulled me in his arms.

"Give me a ki...", he starts to say but I knew the look on his face. "Are you crying?" I shook my head looking away from him. I'd just break into tears if I continue with his concerned self. "Tell me what is it?" Like always he wasn't going to give up so soon.

"Do you love me the way you tell me?", I asked, my voice cracking as I felt few tears flow down my cheek. He rubbed them and cupped my face forcing me to look into his eyes.

"How do I prove you?"

"Then take me away from here for a while."

A beautiful smile formed on his face and I already started to feel lightheaded.

"You don't have to ask me again."


I wrapped the blanket around my body as I closed my eyes for few seconds in contentment. Jumping out of the window wasn't a bad experience but a fun one. How fast I've changed from the girl playing it safe to the girl living at the edge, is beyond my thinking capacity. I am reckless, free and most importantly it all feels worth it like I won't even regret an inch of it. Life is really about moments and moments.

I've gained nothing but good grades all my life. Now if I think of it, I missed so many things. 'I will make it up to you. YOLO', is what he said. The same boy, they warned me about, told me to stay away from but who gives a crap, he is mine.

"I love you", I whispered looking at him. He was almost impossible to be real. What he sees in me, will still be the biggest mystery of my life.

Placing a kiss on my palm, he whispered back, "I love you Rena."

We've been riding for more than hours with no specific direction or place to go. Lockswood was left behind so were my pain. I told him the actual reason why mom was in the town.

"Are you hungry? There's a diner out here." he pulled over.

"Not really. If you wan...."

"I'm not letting my girlfriend starve. I promise, you can steal fries from my plate", he offered with his dimple smile.

"I'd be a fool if I say no to that." I shook my head laughing lightly. He quickly captured my lips with his. I was taken back but then I started kising him back. He pulled me on his lap to straddle him, his hands sliding behind my back to run it up and down my spine. He pulled away only to stare at me with his lust filled eyes.

"I want you so bad", his raspy voice was enough to make me arouse and feel the same way about him. Gosh! I want him too. I pulled him for another kiss. I grinded my hips against his as we molded together perfectly. He groaned holding my hips and thrusting me more to feel his huge erection under his pants.

"Fuck! Stop me Rena before I take you right here", he hissed out.

"What if I don't want you to stop?"

He kept staring at me like he couldn't believe me. Why? Wasn't it to obvious that I want him too?

"Are you sure?"

I nodded without blinking.

He set me down on my seat and put the seatbelt on. I frowned at his action. He was acting like he didn't want me again like last time. He revved the engine, took a U-turn and started going to God knows where. He didn't speak a word as he drive. I didn't dare to say anything either. For the second time I was rejected by the same guy who tells me he loves me. What can be more embarrassing than that?

He was crossing the speed limit for sure. His face hardened and fist clenched the wheel till the point of turning his knuckles white. I had no clue at what he was getting angry for. The silence was eating me up.

After twenty five or something around minutes we finally came to a stop. He got out of the car and came to my side to opened the door. I stepped out and froze.

Holy shit!

It was someone's house he brought me to, but why? The front had a garden with a fountain in the middle, was all I saw from the gate but that was enough to make me know the high budget background.

He walked to the closed big gate and pressed on the intercom.

"Genice. Its me Nickel open the gate", he ordered.

"Yes Sir", was the reply that came.

Seconds later the gate opened of its own. Nick took my hands in his and dragged to the house or mansion would fit more. I just dumbfoundedly followed his every step, nothing not even a single syllable came out of my mouth. We passed the garden with the fountain. The big front door opened. A man in his early forties walked out in his butler suit on. What is this place? How does he know them?

"Welcome Sir", the man greeted Nick. Sir?

"I'm not my father. You can call me Nick, Genice." Nick rolled his eyes.

"Yes Nick sir and may I ask who this young lady is?" Again, he rolled his eyes.

"She is my girlfriend", he kissed my temple smiling at me.

"Very well Sir. Are you staying the night?", he asked making Nick groan in frustration.

"I dare you to call me sir again. And yes I'm staying. Tell someone to get my car, its outside." He pulled me with him inside the house.

"Alright sir", he responded. I laughed at that but soon it died down when I look at the interior of the house. It was stunningly beautiful. Everything looked expensive from the floor to the ceiling. Bright, shiny like it was made of gold. That's too much Serena.

"What is this place?", I asked, stunned.

"One of many houses Black own. Now c'mon lets go to our room." He was already dragging me up the spiral staircase. Our room?

He pushed a door open, we walked in and then he locked it. Before I could look around the room, I was thrown on the bed. Nick hovered over my body and kissed me hungrily. I didn't hold back either, I kissed him back with equal passion.

He pulled away.

"I still want you. Do you?"


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