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Keith's dream began normally enough. He was standing outside his house, staring at the desert. This wasn't new. What was new was the battle raging above him. A Galra battleship loomed above him, with fighter drones swarming around, fighting the lions. He frowned. Something was off. One.. two... three.... Four....there were only four lions in the sky. His was the only one missing. He panicked. As he watched, Green was shot down, crashing hard behind a hill. Shouting filled his ears, his teammates crying for help.


"Keith, where are you?"

"We need you Keith!"




He eyes shot open. Blinked. Then reality crashed over him. He groaned. This dream wasn't just a dream. It was what his future was going to be. Helpless and grounded, unable to help his team, watching as they fell.

There was a knocking on his door.

"Keith, are you ok?"

It was Shiro. He didn't remember much of what happened after the incident, but he knew it had been Shiro who had carried him to his room, after Allura had said the cryo pods wouldn't help. He stayed silent. After a moment, Shiro's footsteps faded away. Keith sighed and closed his eyes, drifting back to sleep.


Pidge quietly wheeled through the hallway. Her eyes were red and her hands were shaking, but she had never been more sure of a choice in her life. In her hands she carried a silver-colored machine, holding it gingerly. She stopped in front of a door, identical to the rest of the doors lining the cold, silent hallway. Glancing around her, she made sure no one was nearby before slipping inside. Moments later, there was a flash of light, and she silently wheeled herself out of the room, still holding the device. She went down an empty hallway, then pulled out her bayard. She moved it into position, the shot the grappling hook up, latching on to a vent. She pressed a button, retracting the rope and pulling her up. She pulled herself in, propelling herself with her arms. Seconds later, all that was left in the hallway was an empty wheelchair and a now useless device.


When Keith woke up in the morning, something was off. His back was aching. But his back shouldn't be aching. Since yesterday, we hadn't been able to feel anything from the chest down, but there was unmistakable feeling in his lower back. It was like he had been shocked or burned. He sat up. His eyes widened. Tentatively he slid one leg out. Then the other. A grin spread across his face. Somehow, he could feel his legs again. Whooping, he staggered up right and across the compartment, opening the door to see Shiro, hand raised to knock. He saw Keith, standing up, and his mouth dropped open.

"Keith, how did you...." he trailed off, a confused look on his face.

Keith smiled. "I don't know! I woke up, and was confused because my lower back was hurting, but I hadn't been able to feel it since yesterday, but then, well, I could walk!"

Shiro looked confused. "How is that possible? I mean, Pidge has never shown any signs of getting better but then you-"

Keith stopped him. "Shiro, I don't know what happened, but I don't really care either." He grinned. "Let's go tell the others!" He slowly hobbled down the hall. Shiro sighed, then smiled and headed after him.

They found the others in the kitchen, eating breakfast. They looked up when Shiro and Keith walked in, confusion crossing their faces.

Allura looked at him suspiciously. "Keith, you were paralyzed. How are you walking?"

"Ya, Mullet, you're walking! How?" questioned Lance. Coran and Hunk were very confused as well.

Keith shrugged. "Well, I woke up, and my lower back felt like it had been shocked, and I was confused, because I couldn't feel that area yesterday. When I got up, I could just... feel my legs again."

Hunk's face whitened. "It felt like it had been shocked?"

Keith nodded. "Yes, just like an static shock from the carpet, in a way."

Hunk looked around the room, panicking. "Guys, where's Pidge?"

A/N: So close! Only a couple more chapters left to go! I hope to get them up before summer ends, but I have EFY, so we will see what happens. I want to thank Elliephant9803 and Immaperson2134 for helping me edit. You guys are the best!

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