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Prepare for insanely long rant at the end of this chapter. Also, the artwork is not mine. I am not that insanely talented.

Coran entered the dining room with a worried look on his face. "Has anyone seen Pidge? She told me she would come help me with some repairs, but I haven't seen her for hours," he said. The other paladins looked at each other with worried looks on their faces. Coran had luckily been able to scavenge up the Altean version of a wheelchair, so Pidge could move on her own, but she still could have tipped or gotten stuck. "I'll go look for her," said Shiro, running out of the room. The other paladins followed.

They found Pidge in her room furiously typing on her laptop. She ignored them. Hunk tentatively approached her. "Pidge? Are you okay?" She waved a hand at him and went back to muttering under her breath. The paladins stood behind her, trying to understand what she was typing, but none of them could understand the code flowing across the screen. Suddenly she thrust her hands in the air. "That's it! I've got it!" A happy grin spread across her face, and she hit a button on her computer, causing a projection to go flying up in the air in front of the paladins.

They stared at it in confusion. It looked like a large, upside down metal Y, with extra stems coming out from the sides. She smiled at their confused faces. "This is what I've been working on. It's kind of like a brace, but it attaches to your nervous system." Hunk was the first to get what she was saying. "You could walk again!" She nodded, beaming, and the other paladins began to smile too. "I can build all the parts in the lab, except for the power source. I don't know where to find that." Coran looked at the data for the power device, then smiled. "You are very lucky Pidge! There is only one power source like that in the entire galaxy, and the owner happens to be a friend of mine! His name is Daritel, and he lives on Nadezhda, which is only a couple of ticks away!"

Shiro grinned. "Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go play Daritel a visit!"

Okay, so my problem with this story is that nothing is pre-written, but I am going to hopefully publish more regularly. This book, however, is only going to be a couple more chapters. After that, I will be working on an original story, and I will publish a teaser chapter of that soon, so keep an eye out!

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