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Again, not my art amazingness, because I'm not that good. Like seriously, how in the world?

Pidge and Hunk ran (and wheeled) down the hall to the lab in the Castle. Shiro, Lance, Keith and Coran and gone to Nadexhda, and while they were gone, the two paladins that had been left were going to build the brace. "Pidge, how exactly does this thing work?" asked Hunk. She had told everyone the general idea, but nothing super specific.

"Well, you attach the brace to your back, and then, using the power source, it will deliver sort of a "shock," which will hopefully get all the nerves working again. The problem with it is that that there is only one power source that is powerful enough in the entire universe, but very luckily that is the one that belongs to Coran's friend. Otherwise, there would be no way to power it, and therefore, no way to get it to work." She paused, and then frowned. "We just have to get it right the first time. Once it is used, it will run out of power, and it will never work again."

Hunk nodded. "Well then, come on." They got to work. First they soldered together the metal stripes that would make up the upside-down Y, then added on the small, curving side pieces. Finally, they built in the socket to hold the power source, which Coran had said was a like a small orb. They placed it right where the three lines connected, and then finished cleaning up all the little scraps that had gotten everywhere. Just then, the rest of the paladins arrived with the orb.


Shiro walked in the the room, serious faced, with Lance, Keith and Coran following behind. He walked over to Pidge and Hunk, and gave them the orb. It was a swirling, bluish purplish color, that seemed to have its own light. It was an ancient power source, formed from a rare, dying blue star. Luckily, the Nadexhdians had given them the rare orb, and were very kind about it too, because with this many of their traders destroyed, they would probably suffer without it. It had helped their power their royal castle, and only Coran's very good friendship with their leader, Daritel, and the fact that they were paladins, they would have walked away empty handed. Life was already very hard in the galaxy, but this would make it harder for them. Before they had left, Shiro had silently vowed to do everything he could to help them.

 Pidge noticed the worried face and asked "What happened?"

Shiro sighed. "Outside the planet's atmosphere, we found part of the Nadexhdian's trader fleet, completely shot to pieces. When we went to inspect it further, we found a prototype purple ship crashed among the traders, the same kind that the Galra use, except this had a purple laser cannon, kind of like Hunk's bayard, on the front."

Pidge's face whitened. Pain. Purple Light. Lasers. Helplessness. Stillness. She turned and wheeled out of the room without another word, the door whooshing shut behind her.

Sorry if this isn't really accurate, because I have no medical or technical experience what so ever, so I just try my best with my limited knowledge. Also, it is a fanfiction, not a medical textbook, so whatever. Also, if you have a second, please go over to the Voltron-WA account and vote for this story in the Pidge "Katie Holt" Gunderson category tie-breakers. It would mean a lot to me! 

Taken Away (Book one in the Taken Away Triolgy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora