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He stared over the small girl's shoulder, reading the code on the computer screen in front of her. He tapped on a corner of the screen. "Pidge, shouldn't we-"



She turned and glared, hunched protectively over her computer and the metal contraption on the table.

"Honestly, it isn't that hard," she growled, glaring at him.

He groaned. "Sorry. It isn't even doing anything though, except for sitting on the table."

Pidge threw her hands up in the air and sighed. "I give up. I've told you like 10 times that it's downloading the last of the data, and then it will be ready." She grabbed his hand with one hand and, wheeled her chair with the other hand. "Come on. Let's go grab lunch. The upload won't be complete till tomorrow, and I can't stand just staring at it."

He grabbed the back of the chair, and started pushing her to the kitchen. They only made it halfway there. Then the castle shook. 

"Paladins, we have intruders aboard the castle! They have breached the airlock by the training deck. Keith, they are headed your way!" Pidge and Hunk, who had paused at the sound of Allura's voice, exchanged glances. She opened her mouth, but Hunk stopped her.

"Pidge, I don't care what you say, you are staying here," he called, and sprinted down the hall. Pidge sighed. She knew if she went, she would just be a liability, but this was her team too. She waited till Hunk's footsteps faded, then summoned her bayard and wheeled quickly down the hall.

As she drew closer to the airlock, she began to hear blaster sounds, and her teammates shouting to each other. She poked her head around the corner, and took in the scene before her. Six Galra drones were battling her teammates in the hallway, but something was off. Her teammates, who could normally take out six soldiers with ease, looked as though they were doing acrobatics. After a moment, she realized why. Instead of blasters being held in the soldiers hands, their hands were the blasters. They were long, sleek, and grey, blending in with the metal of the drone's bodies, but the end gave off a faint purple glow. Her heart dropped to her stomach. They did it. The Galra had finally succeed in adding the paralyzing guns to their soldiers. It was about to make everything much more difficult. Quickly she used her bayard to lasso three of the drones together, trapping their arms. Shiro took two of the others out. Then Keith took the three that were tied up out quickly, and turned to face her. "Thanks Pidge, I-" his eyes widened. With a lunge, he jumped over her, then let out a cry, crumpling to the floor. Pidge turned around. Behind her, the final soldier had been sneaking up on her, ready to attack. Keith had jumped in the way and taken him down, but not without a cost. As he moaned on the floor, she caught a glimpse of his stomach. There, by his hip, was a round purple blaster wound. He looked up at Pidge, his eyes filled with fear.

"I can't feel my legs."

Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't update in *checks calender* 2 months! The good news is that I should be updating more often, now that it is summer. If you haven't yet, go check out my other story, Reunion, which is Altean!Pidge and Matt. I hope to update it soon. 

Bye for now!

P.s. Sorry for the cliffie. (Not really.)

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