The Awakening

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A/N: Thanks to all the people that wanted this. You made me stop being lazy and do this!


It was cold. Everything was blue, which reminded Pidge of something important, something that would make everything alright. Blue..... What was important about blue? There was a hissing noise, one that sounded like the purple freeze ray laser, and Pidge froze. Suddenly she felt her self falling into a pair of big, warm arms. The arms gently brushed her long, matted hair out of her face, held her up and then asked, "Hey, can you tell me your name? I'm Hunk. I pilot the Yellow Lion of Voltron and my team rescued you from Zarkon." Pidge's eyes widened. She looked up. Her  mouth slowly spread upwards. "What took you so long, you teddy bear?"


Hunk finished showing the prisoners to the mess hall when the comm alert went off to tell him that the final prisoner was waking up. He hurried to the pod room, and stood in front of the pod, waiting for it to open. The team had picked him to be the first person the prisoners made contact with because he was out-going and friendly.  The pod opened and the girl inside fell out. Hunk held her up. Her legs must still be numb from the healing process. Her hair was long, and matted. It was a dirty brown color, and kept falling in her eyes. Hunk brushed it to the side, and decided to introduce himself, so she didn't panic. "Hey, can you tell me your name? I'm Hunk. I pilot the Yellow Lion of Voltron and my team rescued you from Zarkon." The girl looked up. Her eyes widened. She grinned and asked "What took you so long, you teddy bear?"



It had been a movie night. Pidge had finally figured out how to stream Netflix to the castle, and they had decided to educate the Altaens in the ancient art of binge watching. Hunk had set up a buffet, and then they started with their first show. After the first season was over, Allura and Pidge had both fallen asleep. The boys decided to stop for the night, because they knew the girls would most likely kill them if they continued. Shiro scooped up Allura, and Hunk scooped up Pidge. He carried her into her room. As he set her on her bed, she mumbled under her breath. He paused. "What?" She rolled over and muttered "You're a big teddy bear." Hunk smiled and turned around, only to see Lance and Keith standing in the doorway, grinning. "Hey teddy bear, somebody likes you!" Hunk groaned, but the name had already stuck. He was now the group "teddy bear." After Pidge was captured, the group stopped using the nick-name because Pidge had made it up. He never thought he would hear it again.


Hunk stared at the girl." P-P-Pidge?" "In the flesh." She grinned, and then noticed that he was still holding her, and went to stand up. She collapsed on the ground. Pain shot through her legs and she groaned. "Hunk, my legs." Hunk scooped her up and laid her carefully on table, then radioed the rest of the team. "Guys come down to the medical bay fast." The team ran into the room and looked at him. Coran saw the girl on the table. "Is that the last prisoner? What planet is she from?" The girl raised her head.  She smiled. "Earth." 

There was silence for half a second. Then they all rushed over to join Hunk at the table. "Pidge!" "You're back!"  The team hugged her and surrounded her. Then they realized that she wasn't sitting up. "What's wrong?" Shiro asked worriedly. Pidge grimaced. "I don't know. My legs are sorta numb and tingly, like the pins and needles feeling. Maybe it's an aftereffect of the pods?" The team looked over at Coran. He frowned. "I don't know, nothing like this has happened before. I'll run some scans and find out." As he ran the scans, Pidge's stomach growled. The team laughed, and Keith went to grab her some food. As she ate, the team laughed and talked. It was like she had never been away. Then Coran interrupted tapped Shiro's shoulder. His face was drawn and sad. He pulled Shiro away and talked to him in lowered tones. Shiro's smile faded and he looked mad. "WHAT?" Coran sighed and showed him some sort of chart. Then they walked back to the group, which had fallen silent. Coran silently ushered the others out. Then Shiro perched on the edge of the bed that Pidge lay on. He looked tired and sad. "Pidge, Coran finished running the scans, and he discovered an anomaly in your lower legs. It's..... well...... it's paralysis."

A/N: MWHAHAHA! Don't worry, I'm not that mean. I promise that this story will have a happy ending. Meanwhile, it's April 3rd! Happy birthday Pidge! Probably not the best birthday present, but a great one is coming up! Meanwhile, 884 words! My new record! Not the biggest story for some people, but for me this is a lot! I have an update coming in a couple days, so hopefully it won't be very long of a wait, unlike last time. Sorry about that! Later!

P.s. Apparently, I can't master the line brake.

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