Who was this girl? Her eyes trailed along her form, noting the simple black top, and hello kitty design on her nails. Rosalinda reached for her steam riced and paused spotting the millions of razor sharp teeth in the girl's mouth as she smiled. Her flesh prickled and she swallowed her fear. She'd admit she was a bit surprise and still adjusting. This chick resembled a shark by the mouth. Suddenly, she wasn't so sure about sitting here with her. What if the other students had a reason why they stayed away from her? She imagined her ripping into the flesh of those who'd opposed her and basking in their fear.

Rosalinda certainly didn't want to be one of those people.  Then she realized that she would be playing right into the stereotypical student hierarchy if she did turn my back on her. Besides, they weren't so different after all. Especially when she recalled her own set fangs that grew when she was hungry for those glowing tendrils things. Suddenly, the teeth didn't sound so bad.

"The name is Abigor, but you can call me Gora for short," said she said biting into some kind of breakfast burger.

"I'm Rosalinda, I really don't have a cool nickname to go by," she said fascinating by her mouth. How did she form words? Had she ever accidently bitten herself? Did she kiss guys? How would they kiss?

"Hmm, I will have to think of something then," she said licking her fingers. Geez, the girl ate like a race horse. And she thought she was bad at gobbling her food. "It's obvious you're the new kid, not that I'm complaining or anything. Why did you choose to sit over here?"

"It's not like I make friends easily, and plus you were sitting alone, why crowd myself around other people. It's probably weird. But this somehow feels nostalgic," she added, waiting for the rejection to come as it usually did.

"Of course were friends!" she said smiling. "Good thing too, because you're the first friend I've made in this place. Now where is your dorm?"

"On the fourth floor," she added grabbing her tray and returning it to the counter. Relief flooded her veins as everyone returned to their conversations although there were still a few curious glances at them. Giddiness nearly burst from her lips. She had her first friend! And there was no evil sister to chance them away!

"The fourth floor! Girl, Nobody's been up there in ages. You must be a very special student."

"That's funny seeing how I don't even know what I am. You want to come up?"

"Um yeah! I thought you would never ask," she said grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her along.

"This school is massive," Rosalinda said as her feet squeaked along the marble floors. Her eyes strayed to the depictions of hell hanging on the walls. "Um that's not foreboding at all," she said pausing to stare at a red horn man with massive bat like wings exploding from his back as fire and demons ran amuck.

"Eh. My dad says the red man is an idiot."

"Wait, you mean hell is real?"

"Yes. Thousands of realms exist outside of this one. The mortals total screwed one thing up."

"And what's that?" she said breathlessly totally stunned by the news.

"There's only one death god. Not even a god. But an entity."

Wah?! Wait no. She didn't want to talk about death. She wanted nothing to do with it.

"All of this talk is creeping me out." She added running her hands along her arms.


"Umm, nothing." She said recalling Cyriac's warning not to reveal her being discovered in the human realm.

Born of Death (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now