Chapter 18...The Bet

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1st Reader Pov
     Me and [2nd Readers Name] got up and headed to the living room to see what Jeff and Laughing Jack were watching. We didn't really have anything to do since Toby decided to go take a nap. When we walked in they were watching Bambi. That's really surprising...I thought they'd be watching something with blood and gore...but they are actually watching a Disney funny...even murderers watch Bambi...I chuckled and sat by [2nd Readers Name] on the floor. As we watched Bambi it got to the scene where the hunters kill Bambi's mother. I heard someone sniff the air sharply so I turned around...wait is Jeff...when I turned around I saw that Jeff had started to cry. "I'll kill those hunters," he mumbled as he wiped a tear from his cheek. I started to giggle softly because I didn't want him to get mad and try to kill me...I can't believe Jeff the Killer cries over the death of a cartoon dear and threatens to kill the hunters that are also funny...
     After awhile [2nd Readers Name] got bored and sat behind me while playing with my hair. I let her play with it all the time when he hanged out so I didn't care. She always said that my hair was really soft. [2nd Readers Name] really enjoyed playing with my hair. I continued to watch the movie with everyone and enjoyed the feeling of someone's hands playing with my hair. "Would you like some candy," offered Laughing Jack. "As long as they aren't poisoned then sure I'd like some," I replied. He smiled and handed me a few pieces of candy. Once I had all the candy I put it in my lap and continued watching Bambi. I liked this movie a lot...but why is Bambi's dad so silent...he barely ever talks...
     The front door opened before slamming shut but I ignored it. By the sound of their footsteps I figured that there were two people. They entered the living room and asked, "what are you watching?" I didn't look at him as I replied, "Bambi." He looked down at me and [2nd Readers Name] and asked, "is it any good?" They both sat on the couch with Jeff and Jack waiting for an answer. "It's good I guess..." I paused for effect, "you missed the best part though...Jeff cried when Bambi's mom died." Everyone started laughing except for Jeff. He stared at me angrily and suddenly I was tackled to the ground. I burst out laughing and looked up to see an angry Jeff. "GO TO SLEEP!" he yelled at me. "Sorry but I'm a bit busy watching a movie Jeffrey," I said as I shoved him of of me. He glared at me and said, "the next time you call me Jeffrey you will GO TO SLEEP..."
     [2nd Readers Name] hugged Jeff from behind and said, "come on Jeff don't be like that." We both laughed and Jeff shoved her off of him before going back to watch Bambi. I decided to see who had entered the room previously and saw Masky and Hoodie. "Hey Masky...Masky...Masky...Masky...hey Masky..." I said while poking his neck. I was standing behind the couch with [2nd Readers Name]. He turned to look at us and said, "you're just like Toby." We both laughed and said, "we know we do." He looked at us a bit confused until Laughing Jack said, "Toby brought those two here and Slenderman said that they can stay with him." Masky and Hoodie looked at us a bit shocked. "They do know that he has one bed right?," asked Hoodie. I looked at him and replied, "we know...we all plan to share it." He turned to Masky and whispered, "lucky Toby." Masky nodded in agreement and they both asked, "can you take off your masks?" I looked at [2nd Readers Name] and she whispered in my ear...perfect idea...I nodded to her and looked back at Masky and Hoodie.
     "Only if we get to see your faces first," I smiled behind my mask. They looked at each other as if trying to decide before Masky grumbled, "fine." He slowly took of his mask, he actually looked pretty nice behind the it's Hoodie's turn...I looked at Hoodie expectantly and he showed us his face. He looked pretty good too...but none of them are more handsome than our Toby..."your turn," Masky said as he put his mask back on. I looked at [2nd Readers Name] and she took her mask off slowly. Once it was fully off both Masky and Hoodie blushed slightly before nodding for me to take mine off. I reached my hand up to take off my mask and took a deep breath. I pulled it off quickly and looked at Masky and Hoodie. They were still blushing a bit and said, "you two are really pretty." We both thanked them and Jeff spoke up.
     "You don't have a chance me and BEN already tried but they seem to like the waffle loving freak," he said. This angered me and [2nd Readers Name] so we each grabbed one of his ears and pulled on them. "Ow!," he screamed. "Toby is not a freak Jeffrey," we said in unison. He glared at us and tried to move. When he I move he let out a scream of agony because we were still holding him by his ears. "Now I get why BEN thinks you two are a bit scary," he whispered. We both real eased his now red ears and he began to massage them. "Protective much," he grumbled. "Very," I whispered to him. He flinched and me and [2nd Readers Name] laughed a bit.
     "Oh hey Toby," giggled Jack. I looked behind us and saw Toby yawning. "Hey guys," he said tiredly, "I'm gonna get a waffle before going to bed." Me and [2nd Readers Name] headed to the kitchen with Toby. I suddenly noticed that I was actually tired as well. It was a long day so I guess that is to be expected though...I thought. We each ate a waffle before heading up to Toby's room. Before everyone else was out of sights I looked over at them and realized that looks like there placing bets...but what are they betting on...hmmm...oh well not my problem.
     I turned back to Toby and [2nd Readers Name] and we entered his room...well I guess it's our room now...Toby flopped onto the middle of the bed and me and [2nd Readers Name] curled up on either side of him. He wrapped his arms around us and said, "goodnight." "Goodnight Toby," we said in unison as we kissed him on the cheek. He blushed and we all fell asleep cuddling close together.

Ticci Toby Pov
     When e woke up we all headed downstairs to make my favorite...waffles. I love waffles so much...they are so warm and delicious and I can't live without them...I would be so sad if someone took my waffles away...once downstairs I saw everyone gathered in the kitchen. They were all eating and whispering about something. When we entered though they stopped talking and looked at us. It was awkward so I headed to the freezer to get waffles. [1st Readers Name] forgot her mask so [2nd Readers Name] decided to go get it with her.
     As soon as they left all the guys looked at me expectantly until Jeff asked, "how was last night?" I looked at him a bit confused and said, "they k-kissed me on the ch-cheek and w-we fell asleep c-cuddling up to each o-other." I was really nervous about their question...why do they care...Masky laughed and said, "I win the bet Jeff!" Jeff looked angry and pulled out two 10 dollar bills. "Technically I win the $20 because he got kissed," said Hoodie defiantly. Masky turned to him and said, "oh yeah well I guess that means you win." Jeff handed Hoodie the money but in the end Hoodie gave one of the bills to Masky. "Wh-what were you g-guys betting about," I asked.
     Jack laughed and said, "Jeff bet that you would make your move on one of them..I bet you would on both of them...Masky said nothing would happen...and Hoddie said you would get kissed by them." I blushed...they were making bets about what would happen when we went to my room...oh my goodness...they're gonna be the death of me aren't they...Jeff scoffed and whispered, "sadly Toby's a wimp so I lost." I didn't quite hear what he said so I looked at him questionably.
     "We're back Toby," said [2nd Readers Name] happily from behind me. "Hey guys," I smiled, "want t-to eat some w-waffles with me." They both laughed and said that they would love to. Ding...the familiar ding went off and I grabbed our waffles. These waffles smell so good...I thought as I walked to the table. We all sat down and started eating our waffles. It was nice...but I couldn't stop thinking back to their bet...make my move huh...

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