Chapter 10...Maxine

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2nd Reader Pov
     As I looked up at her I came to the conclusion that it was in fact Maxine. She noticed us and looked at Toby. Once she saw the boy in his arms she ran through the house and opened the front door. "Max?!," she shouted. She ran out the door and headed towards us. As she got closer Toby stood Max up onto his feet. Max immediately ran into Maxine's outstretched arms and hugged her. "I thought you were dead!," Max shouted happily. Maxine hugged him tightly and said, "no he took me here after mom and dad left me in the woods to die." She was pointing at Toby. By now he had his mouth guard and goggles on and me and [1st Readers Name] had our masks back on. I watched the happy family reunion quietly and threw my arm over [1st Readers Name]'s shoulders. "Look at this happy reunion...I'm glad these little twins got to see each other again," I said happily. Suddenly Maxine looked back at me and said, "I'm sorry I didn't introduce name is Maxine Marie Doutry. Max is my twin brother and we were separated awhile back when our parents left me to die in the woods. He found me and brought me here, I was excepted and now you have brought my brother back to me. I am very thankful." She stared at me happily, "who might you be?" She is a curious one ain't she...I thought. "The names [2nd Readers Name] and this is [1st Readers Name]...that's all you really need to know kid," I said as I ruffled her hair with my free arm. She giggled and Max spoke up, "don't worry...we won't tell anyone about you saved us and brought us back together so we will keep our word of secrecy." I smiled and said, "good."

1st Reader Pov
     I looked at Maxine, she looked just like Max only with long hair. They were really happy to see each adorable...I'm glad Max has someone that is family he won't be lonely and he has someone to show him the ropes around the orphanage...I smiled behind my mask and heard Max speak up, "don't worry...we won't tell anyone about you saved us and brought us back together so we will keep our word of secrecy." [2nd Readers Name] smiled and said, "good." I liked that they would keep us a secret. It would be really bad if people started looking around in the woods to try and find us...I just hope they both keep their can't always keep their mouths shit and I really want these two to keep theirs shut...if people knew our names they would come and look for us...and if they found us then they would find Toby...if they found Toby then they might find the others and they would be captured and taken away...I thought to myself. I was glad that my mask hid my face because I had a look of slight fear that anyone would have noticed if my mask was off. I quickly gained my composure and said, "you should go inside before you both catch a cold." They nodded and Maxine hugged my waist, "thank you so much [1st Readers Name]...goodbye." They both ran inside the orphanage and went straight to the room that still had a light on in it. They settled down and I could here them say...
"Goodnight Max..."
"Goodnight Maxine..."

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