Chapter 12...The Woods

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2nd Reader Pov
     As we approached the woods I couldn't help but many people have died in these woods...what were their old were they...were they bullies like the people at my old school...or were they nice and just got dumped here as a prank by their friends but never made it out alive...I wonder if I'll see any pages...what do the pages look like...are the other Creepypastas as cool and handsome as Toby...or are they all complete and utter psychos that can't control themselves...I was lost in thought as we walked into the woods. Now that I think about it dying here wouldn't be so's really pretty and nobody will know so you don't have to worry about people touching you to change you into something fancy and doing your makeup before putting you in a casket to just be buried around a ton of other dead you can die in nature and become one with and trees can grow where you dead body once was...I liked the thought of that. As we walked we passed many beautiful plants and animals. I had even seen a wild fox bringing a dead rabbit to her young for food. When I looked around though I didn't see a father fox anywhere...he was probably hunted down or just died...I was sad at the thought of them growing without a dad. Suddenly I thought back on what Toby had he likes both of us...that's and [1st Readers Name] can make him waffles in the morning and watch his reactions...he would love that...Toby always loves waffles...he would be so happy and full of he can just wake up to waffles instead of having to get up and make them himself...I looked at Toby and smiled.

1st Reader Pov
     The woods were really dark at night...well I guess it's morning...but they were still beautiful. There were so many different wild flowers and I loved each of them. They were all so beautiful...I hope that we get to stay here with Toby...please let us stay Slenderman...I really hoped he would let us stay...I liked it here with Toby and [2nd Readers Name]...he liked us and we liked him...since he likes both of us we don't have to worry about winning him over anymore...I was as happy as can was best friend...and the guy that we both was perfect...I thought as I walked. It was getting a bit lighter so I guessed that the sun would be coming up soon...won't that be a beautiful sight...I never really had a chance to see the sunrise...I only ever saw the sunset from my window...was a sunrise just as beautiful...we continued walking together through the woods. Me and [2nd Readers Name] were still holding hands with Toby when I started to hear some voices. There was a good distance between us so it didn't really matter to me...but the voices started getting louder...this could only mean that either we were getting closer or they were. Suddenly I heard them and could tell that they were only a few yards away from us. Me and [2nd Readers Name]'s masks were off at the moment because we were okay with Toby seeing our faces. Toby though, had his mouth guard and goggles on because he was uncomfortable with others seeing his face. I didn't mind his shyness though...I thought it was actually cute. I liked that he was the shy type...and I loved his only added to his adorableness. Suddenly I smelled something...campfire...we must have heard some campers talking to each other...I looked through the trees and indeed saw a campfire. They seemed to be sober but they had a few beer cans lying disgusting...can't they pick up after themselves...they're just ruining the beauty of these woods...I tsked and kept walking with Toby and [2nd Readers Name]. Suddenly I heard the campers only a few feet away from us.

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