Chapter 8...Max's Family

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1st Reader Pov
     [2nd Readers Name] had me stay behind with Max. He seemed a little frightened so I sat down and had him sit in front of me. "Wanna see a magic trick Max," I asked. He looked up at me and shrugged his shoulders. "Not much of a talker," I whispered, "okay..." I pulled out a pile of cards and looked at him. What trick should I do...I know! "What's your favorite flower," I looked at him expectingly. He stared at the ground and whispered, "Daisies." I smiled and looked at the deck of cards. I grabbed the top card and started folding it. After a few folds it looked like a makeshift daisy...small but still a daisy...I thought. I looked at Max and said, "I shall turn this into a real Daisy." He looked at me with a confused expression.
     I looked at his confused expression and said, "watch." I had him look at the daisy heaped card before I look out a napkin. I put the napkin on the card and said, "abracadabra." Quickly I threw the napkin behind me and in my hand was no longer a was a real Daisy. Max stared at the flower with wonder and I handed it to him. He gladly took it and started feeling tired. He soon fell asleep in my lap and I watched him.

2nd Reader Pov
     I walked up to Max's house and walked around it. It was a really nice house but had a few rough edges.

I continued to walk around the house until I noticed an open window on the second floor

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I continued to walk around the house until I noticed an open window on the second floor. What idiot leaves a window open at night...anyone could just sneak their way into your house and murder you in your sleep...wait...that's what I'm doing...hahaha...what a coincidence...funny...I climbed up a nearby tree and stood on the entry to the houses roof. Once on there I walked over to the open window and looked inside. There was a little girls room. It was way too pink for my taste...what's with little girls and pink?

I looked around and noticed a small sign that said Maxine

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I looked around and noticed a small sign that said Maxine...does Max have a sister. I looked around and saw pictures of Max and a girl that looks like him only with long hair. Cute...I thought. I slowly entered the house and looked at every photo. Max seemed really close to his sister. As I looked through the photos I noticed people watching them in the background of the photos. The people looked sad and almost...sympathetic? Once I was done looking through the the photos I left the bedroom and walked around quietly. I noticed what seemed to be Max's room. His door had a hole in it and it was opened. His room was a complete disaster and a few photos were broken. I walked into his room and noticed a homemade missing poster. The poster was handwritten and the photo had been taped to it. He seemed to have made a few different copies.
     Poor kid...his sister must have gone missing...maybe that's why he was so afraid of us at first...did his parents force her outside too...probably...I walked out of his room and didn't see any family photos on the walls. All I saw were photos of the parents. They looked like a very happy couple but who knew what they were feeling. For all I know they could hate life and everything in it. I passed flower pots filled with violets. The flowers were beautiful but I didn't really like violets so I didn't really look at them.
     I slowly approached the parents rooms and looked in to see them sound asleep. There was some sleeping medicine on the drawer next to the bed. Trouble sleeping I see...I watched them sleep for awhile before standing at the end of their bed. "Alright get up sleepyheads," I yelled. It was only loud enough for them to hear so I didn't really worry about the neighbors.
     The wife jolted awake and she looked at me. "Hi there," I said gently. She shook her husband awake and he looked at me. "What do you want," he asked sternly. I looked at him a bit offended, "who said I want something?" I watched them for awhile as they sat there thinking. "So tell me about Max...maybe Maxine while we're at it," I told them. The husband put a hand in front of his wife and said, "they were nothing to us...we gladly gave them to you as little sacrifices so you don't kill leave." I looked at him...they sacrificed their own kids to save themselves...what's wrong with them...I started to get angry. "You know what I hate," I said angrily, "parents that don't protect their thought I would come here if I had planned to kill your son Max...boy are you wrong...I'm here to kill you for being a bully." They seemed a bit shocked at what I said. "Bullies deserve punishments," I whispered.
     I jumped at the man as he reached for a gun. Let's just say he didn't make it in time...I quickly stabbed my knife through his side and giggled. He looked at me with pure fear in his eyes. He tried to say something to his wife put all that came out was blood. I stabbed my knife deeper and deeper into his side. Once it was a good length inside him I twisted the blade around 360 degrees around. He tried to scream but all that came out was more blood. Slowly his eyes rolled into the back of his head as he choked on his own blood. By now his wife had tried to run but tripped on the blanket and fell on the floor. She got up and headed to the door, "no...I can't die." So pathetic...I thought to myself. I followed her slowly as she stumbled out of the room. She started going downstairs so I picked up one of the cases of flowers. Once she was at a certain point in the staircase I dropped the vase. If fell right onto her head and she fell down the stairs. I walked down the stairs and saw her slowly getting up. "Please give me some time...a second chance...I'll be a good mother," she begged. I looked at her like...are you stupid or something..."bullies don't get second chances," I said angrily. She looked at me in fear and started crawling towards the door. You only thought...I quickly threw my knife at her. It stabbed her right in the back...hahaha...usually bullies stab people in the back...know it's me...only I am LITERALLY stabbing her in the back...hahaha...she looked back at me and almost screamed. I leaped on top of her and pressed the knife deeper into her back. She made a gurgling noise and I noticed that just like her husband, she was choking on her own blood. Oh no...she's dying to fast...oh well...she slowly died as I stood up and cleaned my knife...I wonder how Max and [1st Readers Name] are doing...hmm...well I'm done killing Max's family...

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