Chapter 1...A Murderous Crush

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1st Reader Pov
Today was a normal casual day chilling with [2nd Readers Name], we were swinging at the park. It was a nice day at the park. A cool breeze flowed through my H/C hair. The weather was very hot but the gentle breezes would cool us down so we didn't overheat. I liked it at the park, it was our special place where we could relax and think. "Watch out!," screamed a boy around me and [2nd Readers Name]'s age. Suddenly a football came out of nowhere and hit me in the head. I wasn't paying attention and ended up falling off the swing from the impact(I'm a weak little potato). I fell flat on my but, "well that hurt." I didn't make a big deal about it cause it wasn't that bad. I had gone through much worse.

2nd Reader Pov
I looked to my left and saw a football hit [1st Readers Name] in the face. Being the weak little potato I know her as she fell out of the swing. I was about to freak out thinking that she could have been seriously hurt but what does she say, "well that hurt." You just got hit in the face with a foot ball...fell out a swing...and all you have to say is 'well that hurt'...what the...I thought to myself. I jumped off the swing and helped [1st Readers Name] up off the ground and walked over to pick up the football. I had a good arm so I tossed it back to him. And because of my protectiveness I made sure it hit him right in every guys weakness. And as usual...he fell to the ground immediately once it hit him.
"Hahaha...look at him," I whispered to [1st Readers Name]. We had the common interest of laughing at the pain of others. Well...and we both were fans of Creepypasta. I grabbed my bag and quickly checked the time, "crap." It was 6:47 pm and my parents had told me to be home at 6:30. "I gotta go my parents are gonna kill me," I said. I started running home when I heard [1st Readers Name] yell, "OH CRAP MY BROTHER FINISHED PRACTICE ALREADY I'M SO DEAD!!!" I had to laugh, we were both goners. But we couldn't help it, we always got distracted while reading fan fictions on the swings. I ran faster as I neared my house. Once I got home I climbed through my window quietly so my parents wouldn't know I was late to getting home.
Suddenly my mom walked into my room and turned around to yell to my dad, "she was in her room sweetie!" She smiled at me and said that dinner would be done soon. I nodded back an okay and she left. Once the door was closed I let out a breathe that I had been holding in and plopped onto my mattress. Thank goodness she didn't find out...I thought. I decided to text [1st Readers Name] to tell her that I made it home without getting into trouble...

1st Reader Pov phone dinged in my pocket and I checked to see that it was a message from [2nd Readers Name]. It said, "I got home mom didn't see me sneak in through my window so I didn't get into trouble this time." Lucky...I thought. My bedroom is on the second story and there are no trees nearby so I can't just climb through my window. Also I was gonna be so dead for forgetting about walking my brother home from practice. I decided to go to his practice to see if he was still there...he was.
"Come on we're going home," I told him. He nodded and walked up to me, "your late." He slightly glared at me when he said that. Spoiled little brat...I thought, we walked home quickly. On the way I listened to some music to block out his annoying voice. Why can't mom and dad pick him up he isn't even my brother... When my mom divorced she soon found a man that had a son and he cared about her, plus he was rich so yeah. They married and now I have to take care of his little twerp. My mom would yell at me saying, "he's your brother so start acting like it!" I hated it when she said that. This little brat got away with everything and was...Momma's little boy... I remembered the point in time when I was Daddy's little girl...Mark had tried to call me that when they married but I told him he will never be my father. After awhile he just left me alone and didn't try to be the father that has a relationship with his daughter. He only talked to me when he had to tell me something like, "take out the garbage." My mom of course, wanted to strengthen our family bond by having family activities. Soon we were approaching the house and [Brats Name] ran to the door. As he ran he yelled to me, "you're so dead!" I knew he was right but I could help but glare at him. When he got to the door he rushed in and slammed the door shut.
Click...he locked the door...HE LOCKED THE DOOR!!! Ooh he is so dead!!! I walked up the driveway slowly and pulled out my lunch card. I quickly slid it between the door and the doorframe and got immediate entrance. Man someone could easily break in...I thought. I saw [Brats Name] walking out of the kitchen and I chased after him. "Get back here you little twerp!," I yelled. Once I caught up to him I sat on him and prepared to slap his stupid face right off. As I raised my hand to strike him...
"[1st Readers Name]!!!," screamed my mom. She ran over and pulled the little brat out from under me. "Are you okay [Brats Name]...did she hurt you...what happened," she asked him. He put on an innocent act with tears and all and said, "sh-she just s-s-started running at me f-for no reason." That little liar...I thought angrily. "You locked me out the house twerp so quit your stupid act!," I yelled. "[1st Readers Name]!!!," screamed my mom. The little brat hugged my mom and started crying. Of course my mom believed his stupid act and brought him to the kitchen to get a snack. Me on the other hand, I was sent to my room and was told I wouldn't get dinner.
I walked up to my computer and quickly went to my fan fictions, a person I hadn't heard of popped up, Ticci Toby. I started reading and really enjoyed his stories. If only I could meet him, then I realized that I was starting to have a crush on this fictional character.

2nd Reader Pov
I got into my pajamas and waited for dinner. Once dinner was ready I headed down the steps and sat down to eat dinner with my parents. I was an only child so I got all of their undivided attention. For dinner we had [Favorite Meal] it was very delicious and I decided to have seconds. "How was the park," my mom asked sweetly. "It was nice...[1st Readers Name] got hit in the head with a football and then fell off the swing but it was nice," I replied. "Oh, was she okay," my mom asked. I nodded yes to her and said, "she could probably take a bullet and still say 'well that hurt' honestly." My dad laughed at my remark and stood up to wash his dishes. As he walked out he kissed my forehead and said, "night sweetheart." I whispered, "night." He left the room and left me and my mom to our thoughts. "I know you snuck in through the window," she paused, "but don't worry your secrets safe with me." Me and my mom laughed and we cleaned up the dishes. "Thanks mom," I rushed up the stairs to my room after saying goodnight. phone went off and I quickly closed my bedroom door before answering the call. "Hey [1st Readers Name] what's up," I said. "Well I can't have dinner and I am this close to killing my brother but I found a cool Creepypasta fanfiction you should read," she replied, "his name is Ticci Toby." I think I heard of him...I thought as I walked over to my computer. I quickly searched him up and started reading, "he seems cool...gotta go talk to you tomorrow." "Talk to you tomorrow," she replied. I hanged up and started reading. It didn't take long before I realized...I had a crush on a murderer named Ticci Tobi.

Both Reader Pov
I have a Murderous Crush...

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