Chapter 14...The Cops

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2nd Reader Pov
As we walked through the woods I could hear police sirens. "One of them must have called the cops," I said. Toby looked back and could faintly see the colors of the cars lights. "Their too far away so we should be fine," he said as he shrugged his shoulders. I agreed with him and we continued to walk. Suddenly I heard people behind us yell, "stop where you are!!!" We immediately started running as fast as we could but I tripped. I gasped as I fell to the ground. [1st Readers Name] turned around and ran towards me. "I got you," she said. She quickly picked me up off the ground and we continued running. Where's Toby I can't see him...I thought as we ran for it.
Suddenly two arms pulled me and [1st Readers Name] into a tree and we looked to see that it was Toby. He put a finger in front of where his mouth would be and we stayed quiet. "Where did they go!," yelled a cop that was directly below us. I watched him quietly hoping that he wouldn't look up and see us in the tree. He didn't and kept looking. Once he was at a good distance we jumped down from the tree. I heard the snap of a twig and suddenly we were surrounded by FBI and SWAT members. They had their guns pointed at us and one of them stepped forward.
"You are under arrest...and Tobias...don't try anything...that goes for you two as well," he said. How does he know about Toby...I thought. Another person stepped forwards and the man presented him as their Creepypasta expert. Apparently he knows every Creepypasta ever by name and backstory...I thought. He looked at me and [1st Readers Name], "I don't believe I have heard of you two before." He stepped forward and approached Toby but I wasn't gonna let them hurt him. Me and [1st Readers Name] stepped in front on Toby protectively and raised our knives. The man put his hands up as a symbol of peace and whispered, "protective little ones aren't you." He looked us over and said, "are you new to the Creepypasta bunch...cause I don't know your names." We stayed silent and made sure nobody moved. They won't be taking Toby...I will make sure of that...I thought as I moved my knife in a threatening stance. "Very protective," the man spoke, "don't worry though...we won't hurt him as long as you all come willingly."
I knew better than that so I spoke up, "lies...I know you'll hurt him even if he comes willingly." The man stared at me shocked and then he...smirked? "Your a smart girl," he whispered, "I wonder how you knew I was lying." He raised an eyebrow and I noticed someone's gun move to my left. There was a silencer but I saw the bullet and quickly sliced it in half before it could hit Toby. "How did you see that," the man asked...he stared at me in wonder and amazement.

1st Reader Pov
He just stood there staring at [2nd Readers Name] in wonder and amazement. After awhile it started to creep me out so I said, "you just gonna stare at her or are you gonna tell us what you want and who you are?" He shook his head before looking at me...must have been deep in thought..."I am so name is Christopher James," he said softly, "as you have been informed I am an expert on all Creepypasta...but I don't know about you two." He looked at me questionably but I kept quiet. He really thinks I'm just gonna tell him my stupid is he...I thought to myself. Christopher suddenly looked at Toby and asked, "which ones your girlfriend..." This startled Toby so he took a step back and started blushing. "I see," whispered Christopher, "well I don't have all day so why don't you just come with us..." He took another step towards us and we backed up defensively. Does he honestly think we'll go with him I thought this a tranquilizer was shot in my direction but I quickly sliced it in half...I guess not...I glanced over at [2nd Readers Name] and noticed she had this look in her eye.
"Do it," I whispered. She heard me and quickly grabbed one of Toby's arms while I grabbed the other. Before anyone could even blink we jumped into the tree and started hopping from tree to tree. As we did so the cops tried to follow us but they were a bit too slow. We quickly outran them...or should I say out hopped them...and made our escape. I jumped down from the tree and surveyed our surroundings...all clear...I motioned for the others to jump down and we started running again. Suddenly the sound of police sirens filled my ears and we started running faster...I can't let them catch us...not now...they can't catch us...I can't go back there...

"[1st Readers Name] I want you to tell us everything you know about what happened," said the police officer. I looked up at her and was scared..."where's daddy?" She looked at me sadly and said, "you can't see him right now sweetie." I started to cry. Why did they take him away from us...what did he do wrong...he was so nice to me and we laughed together. "Sweetie do you want to see your mommy," she asked. "Mommy," I whispered as I followed her. She lead me through a lot of big doors until I saw my mommy. Once I saw her she ran up to me and hugged me. Why is she so sad...I wondered. Mommy was always happy when I saw her..."you can't see daddy anymore okay," she said sternly. "Why mommy...I wanna see daddy," I started crying again. Why couldn't I see him...what was wrong...why is this happening to me...what did I do wrong...
End of Flashback

I was only five when it happened. It brought so many bad memories. I had tried to find him but people only kept getting in the way and stopping me. That police station took everything I loved and replaced it with hatred and separation. I never want to go back there again. I wouldn't go back there again.
We ran and ran until we couldn't breathe. Toby climbed a nearby tree and helped me and [2nd Readers Name] into it so we could hide. It was light out but we were nicely hidden so nobody could see us. I started getting tired and noticed Toby and [2nd Readers Name] were too. We both leaned against Toby's shoulders and easily fell asleep. It felt nice to fall asleep by him after running so much. We could finally take a break from running from the cops.

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