"Yeah, I already asked Liam about it," She said as she took her dress upstairs with her,"he said she can come. And she really wants to see you guys."

I went in my room to get dressed for Universal Studios. I put on some tan colored pants, and a white Hollister shirt. It was gonna be a bit chilly in the night so I carried my favortite blazer along with me.

The lads and I waited downstairs for the girls, in the living room. They said they will be down in five minutes. I can totally see THAT happening.

As I came downstairs I saw Niall and Liam sitting on the couch and playing something on the X-box.

"Hey Liam, Niall, where are Louis and Zayn?" I asked.

As soon as I asked that, I found myself tackled on the floor, with two pairs of large hands.

"Nevermind, found them," I struggled.

"Tell us the truth, or else we won't let you go," Zayn said in my ear, pinning me down.

"You were the one who sent the dress to Alex, weren't you?" Louis said, holding me down really tight.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I manged to say.

As soon as I said that, they got off me and pinned me against the wall.

"LIAM! NIALL! I could really use some help here," I pleaded.

"Louis, Zayn don't let him go until he confesses," Niall said, half talking and half focussing on the game. Great.

"Now open up, curly!" Louis said.

"Okay! Yes, it was me," I finally confessed.

They finally let go of me. The three of us were out of breath. Zayn patted my back and said-

"Good thing you told us, or else..." he said, as he were warning me. The three of us just laughed.

Speaking of Zayn I remembered I had to ask Perrie if she could come to Universal with us. I quickly sent her a text.

Hey Perrie. We're in Miami, heading to Universal. Wanna come? You can surprise Zayn. He misses you. Xx

The girls came down (finally) looking better than ever. Eleanor was wearing a white laced top with some jeans and high heels. Danielle was wearing a cardigan with skinny jeans, and Alex was just wearing a yellow sundress with a black belt high across her stomach along with high boots. Her long brown wavy hair was let down, like always she looked gorgeous.

"My lovely date! you look very beautiful tonight," Louis said taking a blushing Eleanor in his arms.

"So do you my gorgeous girlfriend," Liam said to Danielle.

Alex just stood there smiling looking, and admiring Dani and Eleanor. I knew it was time to make my move.

"Would you like to be my date for tonight, Alex?" I asked on my kees, again quite cheesy.

She looked confused, but in the end she nodded, and I took her in for a friendly hug.

Zayn just stood there looking sad than ever. I checked my phone, hoping to get some good news from Perrie. She texted back-

Hey Harry, of course I can come! Don't tell Zayn. I wanna surprise him. Thanks!(: xx

Now Zayn won't sad for long. A smile spread across my face. This had to be the best day ever.

We got in the car. Since it was a long drive, Liam drove, you know, because he's more "responsible". Danielle took shotgun, with Eleanor, Louis, and Zayn in the middle, while Niall, Alex, and I were in the back.

We sang songs and had a lot of fun on the drive, but Alex seemed really quiet, and I wasn't the only who noticed that-

"Why so quiet, love?" Zayn asked.

"She's probably thinking about who sent her the dress. Don't you agree Harry?" Louis said.

I shot him a killing look. He promised me he won't tell her. I should've know better than to trust Louis with a secret.

"No, I'm fine," thank god Alex didn't chatch on what Louis said. "Just really confused...whatever, let's sing some more!"

We again started singing, this time Alex joined in. She had a very sweet voice. It was 5 p.m. when we reached Universal, hence it wasn't so crowed. Most of the people would come in the morning.

We went in and Alex introduced us to her friend Remi. She had long wavy red hair, she had bit of a tan, and she was wearing short shorts, along with a tank top. In other words, total oppostie of Alex.

"Oh my gosh! You look even better in person! I'm so sorry, can't help myself. I'm Remi, Alex's friend," she said.

"Hey, nice to meet you," all of the lads said together.

Niall seemed to be staring at her. I went beside him and said-

"Pick up your jaw Niall, and stop drooling, she's not food,"

He stopped staring at her. But then Remi started to steal glances as we started walking. Everyone noticed what was going on between the two.

"Oh my gosh! Why don't you guys pair up already?" Louis asked, how can anyone be so frank?

Alex came over and put her hand on Niall and Remi's shoulder and said-

"Yeah guys, it's really obvious you like each other," from when did Alex start match-making?

Remi blushed, her cheeks turned redder than her hair. Niall was worse, his whole face looked like a tomato.

Then Louis, along with Alex, got them together. They looked cute. Now each and every one of us had a date, Perrie would be coming in a few minutes too.

Niall liked Remi, and Remi like Niall. He looked really happy, I was happy for him. I had read this quote somewhere "The best feeling in this world is to be loved by the person you love" I don't know when I'll be able to get that feeling with Alex.

Even though she accepted to be my date, I'm still not sure about her feelings towards me. I'm sure she only accepted my request in a friendly way.

If only she understood my feelings for her.

Can't she feel me love for her? Couldn't she understand, that I want us to be more than friends?


Authors note:

Sorry for the short chapters(: it takes up five pages on word but here it turns out to be only two :P I really hate that...please leave comments on your thought about this story! I love to read them, it inspires me to do more! And don't forget to vote!!(: xx

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