memento, et non morieris

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Remember, you will die. A phrase Tom followed often, others might follow it as an 'make the most of your life before it ends' but he sees it as anything he does in life is meaningless because no one will remember his sad ass in the long run. Tom went with the story in his book, follow and do as you're told.
Look where that got him.
When he heard running down the stairs he was in a bone crushing hug with Leah, he had turned to the noise and was met with Matt who had the others behind him. They all looked upset, pity obvious on all their faces.
He wasn't interested in the commotion until he saw what Matt was holding...a bag of bloodied razors and a suicide note,

his suicide note.

He panicked after the realisation of the situation sunk in. They would show it to Leah and she would hate his guts.
'Nonononnono they can't, he can't, I can't, she can't know. Please be a dream, I wish this was a dream, please, oh please, oh please...I beg of you....please?' He prayed within his thoughts.
But this was reality, wishes can't change reality.
"Miss R! Miss R!" Matt called out after taking a deep breath, running down the stairs isn't easy when you aren't an athlete, "WefoundtheseinTim'sbathroomandyoumustseethem,HERE!" He choked out, shoving the items into her arm.

The only thing Tom could do was think 'oh no'


As Matt shoved two things into my arms I was a bit confused, where did they find these? I looked over to Tom to see his face full of panic while the others present looked worried,
"Where did you find these?" I asked while observing the items in my hands, a bag of razors, presumably what my brother had used to cut himself and a note I have yet to read.
"Tom's bathroom." Edd answered quickly.
"Why were you in my bathroom?" Tom asked curiosity now mixed in with his negative emotions.
"Uhh...toilet?" Pau answered, obviously not thinking through his answer,
"Yes?" He answered again, although it seemed like more of a question, Pat immediately face-palmed.
Ignoring what the conversation led to I decided to read the paper.


~Author shit~
This is a CRAPPIE rushed chapter TBH, I hate ittttt.

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