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"...ok...I-i guess we could talk a-about the-them..." he said while taking a seat on the sofa, he should've talked to her about this along time ago, but he was too far gone, too deep into the darkness.

Too scared.

As Leah spoke a sense of dread floated around him, he should've just said 'no', he should've just brushed it off, he should've just left when he had the chance.
But now here he was, a small depressed boy about to spill his thoughts out of his messed up head.


(Right where Edd and the gang are)

Right now Matt, Pau, Pat and I are just looking around the apartment since everyone, even the author forgot we were here. We didn't include Mark in the little adventure since he's Edwardo's sidekick, to be honest we all agreed he went to far even if he was threatened by Edwardo...that prick.

We didn't go into anyone's room as that would be a huge invasion of privacy since, well, it's not our house.

I immediately noticed the one bathroom next to Tom's room had its light on so I went to turn it off...and found something very disturbing.
Pill bottles upon pill bottles of anti-depressants were strewn about the surface of the sink and next to the toilet was a small bag on the floor...

Filled with many, many blood covered razors.
A nicely cleaned trash can had a note at the top of its contents that piled low, i read it aloud.

"I think I'm supposed to write a note to explain why I did this but I'm not one to spill my heart out, but I'll try.

Dear whoever the unlucky person who found this sorry excuse for a corpse,
I am Tom Roswell, or was I don't really know how this works?

I am sure you are a good person and you never wanted to see this but, I just couldn't anymore.

Please give this note to my sister,
Leah Roswell, a teacher in the high school near this tree, please don't read on.


I'm sorry.
Leah I'm so sorry I've left you in this world alone and I know it's very selfish of me. We could've done so much more together but now I've gone and ruined it, haven't i? I just wanted to see mum and dad again, one last time.

I had depression ever since they left, the bullying at school was terrible and I didn't like being there but I didn't feel safe at home either, but not because of you, it's because of myself.

I knew I wasn't emotionally and physically stable to concur this alone but I didn't want you worrying.  I drained myself, of every emotion except fear.
You've always done your best to support us and I admired you for that but now I've done this terrible thing.

You're probably just going to forget about me and have your own family with someone you love so very dearly in a few years maybe months but I wouldn't blame you.
I'm running out of space on the paper now haha, better get this over with.

I love you so very much and I will never stop, I'm sorry.

You're little brother, Thomas R."

Author's Note

Tommy NOOOOOooooo...Was I that slow on updating? Sorry I give you an extra long chap to make up. Tray video is from one of my favourite YouTubers, Jaden Animations.

I hate school exams.

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