An aggressive argument

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The hallway was longer than Tom had remembered as he walked towards the bathroom, his hair was very messy and a little blood stained, he had many bruises on his face with some additional cuts.

Did he do something wrong?
Most likely.
Did Leah see?
She was probably disgusted.
Did Leah care?
She didn't.
Did anyone care?
No one probably did.
What happened?
You messed up.
What. Happened?
You mess up everything.
Nothing anyone would care about.
You. Always. Fuck. Things. Up.

He ran out of the bathroom after he had chatted with the demon that lived in his head, Tom liked to think of them as being a separate being.

He didn't want to be their victim.
He wanted freedom.
He w a n t e d  p e a c e.

Edwardo was the first person Tom saw when he walked down stairs to investigate, as he had been leaning on the door frame. His father was standing near Edwardo's mother making threatening gestures at Leah, but he couldn't do anything because of Tord and his gang being there. Jon and Mark watched the two groups bicker viciously until their attention was immediately stripped away by Thomas walking down the stairs. Tord ran straight towards him pushing the people in his group that were near him away accidentally as everyone else stood there awkwardly just stood there awkwardly. He embraced Tom in a warm hug, spewing apologies for not being there sooner. Tom returned the hug very confused.

-Jon's POV-

Ok Jon, don't get jealous don't get jealous!
We were all crammed onto the breakfast bar in the kitchen after Tom came down, some of us were even standing but right now that isn't the point, the point is Tord is supporting him while he sits down, nice of him right? BUT HE IS HOLDING TOMS WAIST TO DO SO!

After Tord had hugged him, Tom told us he felt dizzy so we all sat down. It made me angry to see a badly beaten Edwardo next to me, oh well at least he seems scared of me. His parents are looking at me and the devil horned *bleep* like we just murdered someone. I do feel a bit bad seeing what we did to Edwardo after our little... big...fight.

Mark just looked like he didn't want to be here, he said his parents refused to come due to some 'inconveniences' but I think that's a load of horse malarkey... they just don't want to be called out for something their son did! They really were never there for him...

"We are NOT paying for the hospital bill!!!" Edwardo's mother shouted, instantly pulling me out of my thoughts. I noticed Edwardo's family had moved to the corridor near the door.
"Please, ma'am your son was the cause for all of this, just pay a measly bill, it's hard enough supporting me and my brother alone!" Leah pleaded. Edwardo's father replied with disgust,
"We have already made up our minds miss, good day." And with that Edwardo and his parents slammed the door.

-Authors note-

Geez that took long! Little side note, I might not be posting on the right day next week.

Also happy pride month!

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