We told the driver the place we needed to go to and he drove of down the road.

It didn't take us long to reach the hospital as it is only 20 minutes away but since the storm is getting worse so we settled for a taxi. The driver pulled as close to the building as possible so we wouldn't get that wet. I payed the fee then ran in.

I walked up to the reception desk to the 50 year old looking women who was typing away on her computer while drinking a coffee that was in a 1D mug. I let out a small laugh.

"Its my daughters mug" She laughed. She must of heard my little chuckle "Anyway how can I help you sir?" She smiled.

"Er..Do you know a room Cara Richards is on?" I stuttered and she typed on her computer.

"No results found sorry sir" She told me.

"Casady?" I said. I really need to remember that.

"Ah yes" she smiled typing on her computer. I sighed and she smiled.

"Ward 8, Room 16 and floor 4" she smiled.

I ran to the elevator wiith the boys following behind me. I pressed the buttons to get to ward 8. We all stood there in silence. Seconds later the elevator dinged and I sprinted out.

Room 10

Room 11

Room 12

Room 13

Room 14

Room 15

and finally

Room 16.

I slowly opened the door and a nurse was stood next to her hooking up so wires. I knocked to get her attention and she looked at me.

"Hello sir. Will you please sit" she smiled and I took a seat at the leather stool in the corner.

"Miss.Richards is in a coma at the moment. Our doctors are doing all they can to bring her back. They will be doing more test tomorrow but we just need her to rest up first so she is more awake for the exams we will be taking on her tomorrow" She told me and my heart shattered.

She's in a coma. She's definitely broke many bones. She has lost so much weight. The pink in her cheeks has gone. The colour in her body has gone to. Her lack of energy is lowering each day. Whenever she is eating her dinner she is taking about 5 bites of whatever we have cooked then leave the rest to have a protein shake to fill her up. Each night I see her she is looks more ill each time. My heart shatters seeing the girl I love in this state. She's broken. Emotionally and physically. I thought I had fixed her. I thought that she was fixed and everything would be great again. Then he had to come and fuck everything up. He had to ruin everything. Break the fixed girl. He drew her to this state. He made her this way. You never really know how broken someone is until they are laying infront of you. Their weak body broken in front of you in a broken state. People take things to granted we never know when the end could come so I just hope this isn't her end.

I walked over to the edge of her bed and picked her hand up. I placed a soft kiss on it the rubbed circles with my thumb around the top of her hand.

"I know you can't hear me but. I love you. You don't understand how much you mean to me. I promise when you come around I will be here. To protect you and love you. Even though you don't feel the same way but I will love you" I admitted. I mean every word. I love her. I didn't know I could fall for someone so hard.

"If you can hear me at all. Squeeze my hand. I need to know your here" I cried.

It was moments later I felt a little squeeze on my hand.

"Luke" A groggy voice spoke so quiet i'm surprised I heard her.






this update was rlly shit.


instagram- t0xiclukefeels




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