Chapter 2

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Cara's POV

I groaned at the sound of all the children running around upstairs and down.

"WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP!" I yelled and then it went silent that was until 5minutes later there was a knock on my door.

"Cara wake up! You've over slept the meeting is in a hour! And it take one hour and a half to get there so hurry up! And wear some decent clothes for once!" The head worker here yells.

"What to go to a meeting that will just tell me that i'm offically gonna be homeless? Pathetic!" I yell back.

I'm going to a meeting with the care home leader and social services to decide where i'm going. I'm 18 on July 16th so they can either get me a house that would be smaller than my en suite or move me to a foster home or they can just throw me out. People think that they are made to care. They do sometimes but not to me. They don't even bother helping me when I needed them the most like when I got attacked I came back with a broken nose streaming with bloody my pink and lilac hair had red blood and mud in it. They told me to clean up and they'll take me to see the doctors which they didn't. They just handed me tissues every time it bled.

I shook that that thought out of my head and switched on my ipod that was hooked up to speakers.

I played 5 Seconds Of Summer '18'. I love that band. I've met Michael twice and Calum once. My favorite is Luke. I nearly met him but missed him as he jumped into a taxi.

I haven't met Ashton so i hope i get to see Luke and Ashton soon. I smiled at the photo i printed off and framed of me and Michael. He is sticking his tongue out and I'm giving the rockstar pose and in the second photo his arms are wrapped around me in a hug sort of way. In the photo of me and Calum he's holding a teddy and it was placed in between me and him. Them days were the best days ever.

My phone whistles which means I have a twitter notification

@Ashton5sos - Back in london woo :-)

I smile at the thought that he is in the same area as me but the chances of me meeting him are gonna be slim obviously.

I walk over to my dressing table that is basically broken. I curled my pink and light lilac hair and do my make up which consists of eyeliner, coloured in eyebrows, some foundation and red lipstick. I went to my chest of draws and pulled out a red half cut top, jeans that have rips on the knees, I put on my red vans, I looked in the mirror and adjusted my septum piercing and changed my smiley piercing so it was shorter. I added a bandana to my hair then picked up my bag and ran downstairs putting the usual stuff in my bag. Phone,keys,purse,cigirates and spare make up.

"Where are you going!" A voice from behind me shouted, I turned around to see the second eldest here. Me being the oldest.

"Somewhere that you will be going when your older" I said walking out. God people here annoy me. I walk to the underground listening to 'Gotta get out' By 5 Seconds Of Summer. I walk smiling but i'm still unaware of my emotions.

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