Today's been quiet and somber. None of us have heard much from sensei Wu. He's practically been MIA for the past few weeks. Its not like him to be so secretive and hushed, but who am I to question him. The whole things got us all wondering. He's been taking frequent trips to the city to see an "old friend". Probably some old medicine man, he seems to know alot of mysterious people, but that doesn't explain much. Then again, Wu's always been a bit estranged.

  With the lack of our Sensei we were all sitting in the game room, lounging about. This morning's been dead and we all looked the part. Just blankly staring at nothing the whole day. Complaining about bordom, but never making the effort to do something productive. Me and Cole had thought over who got the comfy spot on the couch. The only physical exercise we had done all day and probably would do all day. Not to my surprise, I won. Lloyd had just giggled at our antics, throwing a pillow at us, but had completely missed. He doesnt have the best aim or sense of depth perception, but without having any training I dont blame him.
   I wasn't paying much attention to what everyone else was doing, my focus was selectively on the blonde. Lloyd had found his usual spot on the floor and pulled out his book. I've always found it interesting why he deemed the floor to be more comfortable then furniture. His quirkiness gets me every time.
Zane had turned on the morning news and big surprise, nothing interesting to report. There's been no sign of the Serpentine since that last attack on the bounty. The only issue is that we can't find them now. Those big stupid snakes have actually managed to evade us.
   I found myself lazily scrolling through Instagram, occasionally liking a picture or two. I was on my public account, where I'm only known as The Ninja Of Fire. I do pride myself in the fact that I am the most popular out of all of us. What can I say, people dig my mug and I'm a charmer. Things have changed a bit though. I am proud when it comes to how big my fanbase is, but I dont care as much as I used to. Someone else has caught my eye and I couldn't care less about all the flirty women who pop up in my messages. You know you've found the right person when everyone else fades to the background.
  I was so out of it that I nearly jumped out of my seat, when I heard a high pitched squeal. I knew who it belonged to instantly. Looking over to my right, i see a wide eyed blonde, with a dusty pink glow in his cheeks. What did I miss? I thought to myself, focusing on his features. Lloyd had his back arched and had completed discarded his book he had been reading. It now laid open to a random page. That's when I noticed a hand was attached to the hem of Lloyd's underwear and was pulling up. My eye's darted up to Jay. who was in a fit of hysterics. Lloyd fell pray to one of Jay's obnoxious pranks, since I or Cole are alot harder to trick, us being used to them by now. Narrowing my eye's, I gave him a hard stare down. Lloyd also turned to face Jay, annoyance plastered his face, as he chewed on his lip. A habit he's always had trouble breaking.

"Is that a good book? It took you a full three seconds before you even noticed the wedgie". Jay said with a snicker, pleased with his prank. Lloyd let out a small snort and closed his book that lay open on the floor harshly.

  He looked on at Jay, scrunching his freckled spattered nose. How is everything he does cute? "The story was just hitting the climax...and I lost my place, thank you very much". He said with an eyeroll, tracing his pale fingers along the edge. Lloyd's really into books and comics. It goes the same for all book worms out there...never interrupt them while they're reading. I learned that from my sister, who's a moderate reader. Though I wanted to know what was in that book that made Lloyd so attacked to it. He brought it everywhere.

   By now everyone had lost interest in the conversation and was back to staring blankly at the tv. I on the other hand, was hung up on the small discussion Lloyd and Jay were having. Besides, the blonde was the most interesting thing in here.

"Awe...did Lloyd not get to finish his climax?" Jay mocked in that squeaky voice he makes whenever he thinks he's being funny. Lloyd's face was about as red as the shirt I was wearing and for some reason, my face reacted the same. I directed my attention down at my phone, to keep anyone from noticing. It was clear where Jay was going with this.

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