"Actually, all of us are out here."

"And screw those guys, I heard they bullied you a few days ago."

"And we chose to come out here."

"Guys...."I looked down.

"Aren't you even going to eat a sandwich?"

I shook my head.I put my knees up, and had my note book open.I was looking into the distance and drew something on my paper.I closed my note book, and looked up at everyone.They had worried looks.

"Guys i'm fine.Hey, lunch is almost over, let's head to class."They sighed in defeat and we split up.

Once our last class was over I left quickly.I was the first one out of the school.I left everyone, even my new sister.

I ran up stairs, put my bag and everything up there.

I was getting really low self of steam.I started to scratch.I started to bleed, Snow walked up to me.I started to cry a little.

I hopped into the shower, and got out, put makeup on my arm, and went down stairs.

Mom looked down at her glass, and was crying a little.Dad had his arm around her.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, um......."


"Honey it's........"I looked at my parents.

"Are you depressed?Cause we can take you to the doctors."

"What?!N-no.I'm not depressed."

"You sure?"

"Yes!Look, i'll be back."I ran outside with Snow.I ran to Kristin's house.

I knocked and she let me in."What's wrong?"

"Mom and Daddy want to send me to the doctors.They think i'm depressed, I mean I am, but I don't need doctors."

"I know sis.Come here."I ran into her arms.She put something on my neck.

"A necklace, and a hug.I love you.Now come on, lets get you and Snowflake home."She helped me calm down.

I looked at my necklace, it was a heart locket.I think i've seen another heart locket like this before.But, I don't remember what it looked like.

This one tho, was half (f/c) and other half purple.That's Kristin's favorite color and mine together.

We walked back home, with mom and dad sitting there with Em asking her some questions.

"Mom, dad stop!She isn't depressed."

"You sure?The doctors are on speed dial."


"Cause I have always thought that you were depressed."

"Know what?Screw you guys!If you can't see that i'm fine, you can just screw off!"

"Don't talk to us like that!"

"Whatever!"I ran out the back door.

"Don't you dare go into those woods!"

"Watch me!"I ran into the woods and sat in a tree.I started to cry.

I taught Snow how to climb, but I also gave her some magic, so she can fly up to me.Snow is kinda like me, we have the same powers.I actually got stronger when I put some magic on my little Snow.But, that was at the bottom of my mind at this point.

I whispered so no one could hear me.

"Why won't anyone believe me?!I'm always dealt the bad end."I was still crying.I heard a snap under me.

A new friend ship or a hidden love {jeff x reader}Where stories live. Discover now