Oh No

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Reader's P.O.V

I was at home waiting for Liu to call.My sister was siting on my bed with me next to her holding Snow.

Then I jumped at my phone going off.Then I grabbed it answering it quickly.


"Hey.You can come now if you want."

"Alright.See ya in a bit."

"See ya."I nodded my head at my Kristin.She nodded back.

"Snow stay.If Brittani comes up here, press that button I showed you."I kissed her head then walked outside with Kristin.

She drove us there.

Once we got there we went straight to his room.I ran up to him and stood there."J-Jeff?"He looked over at me.

I felt horrible.His skin was white, and felt a little, ok a lot, ruff then before.His hair was no long brown, it's now black.Tears started rolling down my cheeks.

My knees started to get weak.I felt so bad.Jeff took my hand and sat me on his bed right next to him.I couldn't help it, I kept on crying.

"Why are you crying?"This was Jeff yeah, but not like he was.

"Because I feel horrible.This is all my fault."He hugged me now.

"It's not."He said it blankly, but there was some pain in that voice to.


"You couldn't do anything about who sister likes, nor who she is.It isn't anyone's fault but hers."I nodded.

"Oh yeah.You haven't opened your gift yet, have you?"I smiled.

"No.I was waiting for you.When do you get out of here anyway?"


"Then i'll come over once your settled in.If it's ok with your parents."He nodded.I looked over at his brother to find he was already on it.

He looked up and nodded that it was alright."Well it seems like everything is good.Tho there is something I need to tell you later, ok?And no i'm not asking you out."I giggled a little at his remark and nodded.He wiped away my tears that were starting to dry.

"Come on.Stop crying."

"I-i'll try."He just looked at me, and smiled.

Kristin said we had to go, so we did.When we got home I ran into my room, and locked my door.I started to tear up again.I laid on my bed, Snow sat beside me.I then heard my mom call me.I calmed my self quickly and went down there.The news was on.

"What is-"I dropped down on my knees to start crying again.I saw what was on, and why she called me.Sally was on the news.But, it wasn't in a good way.Sally was dead.The reporter said she was rapped and murdered.Kristin covered her mouth in disbelief.Brittani actually looked shocked.

Mom was crying as well.Daddy had just walked into see this.He felt horrible.He knew I cared about her.He picked me up and held me in his arms.He was saying soothing things to me, but it got worst.I cried harder.

"No leave me alone!I don't want soothing words, I want my Sally!And i'll never have her, never ever again."I ran up to my room.I called Jeff.He was watching the news to.

"I know.I...I'm going to miss her to.Sally was so sweet."

"Loving, caring, everything.I miss her."

"(Y/n) we all will.Just try to calm down.She wouldn't want us to-"

"AND HOW WOULD YOU KNOW WHAT SHE WOULD WANT RIGHT NOW!SHE'S DEAD REMEMBER!"My voice was full of disaster.Jeff was quite.

He knew I loved her."You still have her ring right?"


"Then she'll always be with you."

"I'm going to kill her uncle."

"We all would want to.If does die, i'll laugh my guts out."I was shocked to her that from Jeff.So I stayed quite.

"You know, because of karma."I stayed quite again.Then I heard his mom.

"Got to go, bye (Y/n)"

"Yeah, bye."We got off.I laid back down like I was before mom called me.I passed out, after crying myself to sleep.

Sally's P.O.V

I woke up.But, I wasn't awake at the same time.I was me.I had my teddy bear, my ring, and me.Then it hit me.My uncle, he....he.....he did this to me.

I was sitting under a tree crying.Then a tall, faceless, man came up to me.He was dressed like the perfect groom.

"Hello there child.What's wrong."I wiped my tears, which seems like I was crying blood.He saw what I looked like.

"Why don't you come with me.Don't worry, I won't hurt you.No one ever will hurt you like that again.I promise."I nodded.He offered me his hand, I smiled and took it.Tho I dropped my ring.

"Wait!My ring, I drooped it."He looked at me, then found it."Is this it my child."I looked at the ring and nodded.

Then we walked up to his house.I met some really nice people.They are now my family.I looked at some pictures Slendy had.I looked at one of them in the book, these girls were younger then me.Mrs. Slendy looked over my shoulder.

"Oh, I bet your wondering who those two are.I'll tell you later.Come on, let's go to your room.You have training to do as well tomorrow."I nodded and put the book down.I followed her to a normal room.

"It will be more decorated later on."I nodded and crawled into bed.I passed out knowing I have a new family.

Reader's P.O.V

I woke back up quickly, I knew there was a new pasta, and it was a little girl.About Sally's age.So I made the room look like a little girls dream room.Walls all pink, a bunch of toys, well, pretty mich everything pink.Her name I had a feeling was already on the door.So once I got done with everything in her room, I passed out once again.

Slender's P.O.V

Well here is another Pasta.She is so cute.I walked up to her room and saw everything change.

'Oh.So she knows.I wonder if she knows she's Sally or not, or if she even knew Sally.Oh well, tomorrow we start training.'I walked back down stairs to see the boys on the couch, and them all having makeup on.


"We ran in and messed up there privet girl chat, but we got this."The only one that didn't have anything was Masky.

"I told you guys not to do it."

"Shut up Masky.Why would you help them!"

"Because, you messed up, and you guys also called me a pussy.I hope you enjoyed it.Oh by the way, how's Sally doing Slender?"

"Oh good.Seems like (Y/n) knew we had a new pasta, and she was a little girl, so she already fixed the room for Sal."

"Wow."If I had a face it would be smiling.I'm proud of that girl.Well all of my pastas i'm proud of, but she's really doing great.I'm so proud.

A new friend ship or a hidden love {jeff x reader}Where stories live. Discover now