“That’s ridiculous; we don’t care if she is bald, we still love her and we want to be there for her,” Louis exclaimed.

“I know, but I can’t let you see her without her consent,” he sighed, “I can, however, send her you messages, and try and talk her round- but still then, Zayn, you’d be the only one allowed in, as you are her boyfriend…”

“That’s fine,” we all gave Zayn a reassuring nod, so he knew we wanted him to go and were fine with it, “We just don’t want her to be on her own.”

“Tell her,” I started, “That we don’t care about her hair, we just want her to be okay and out of hospital, preferably soon.”

“We could go wig shopping!” Louis shouted from beside me, scaring me slightly. Huge smiles broke out on our faces at the thought of wig shopping. I could imagine the silly wigs now- of course they’d be normal ones as well. I wonder if they’ll have colourful afros… That would be cool. And very funny.

“Yeah, tell her we’ll take her wig shopping,” Harry’s body shook with the laughs that coursed through him.

“Okay, I’ll go and talk to her,” the doctor nodded with a smile before heading leaving the room.

“At least she’s awake, yeah?” Danielle said.

“Surely that’s a good thing,” Eleanor piped up.

“It is,” Liam agreed after a moment’s thought. We sat in silence, I’m not sure what the others were thinking of, but personally, I was imagining all the different wigs we’d find in a wig shop. Bushy afro wigs. Plaited wigs. Bright coloured wigs. Rainbow wigs. Red Indian Chief wig/hat. An Elvis Presley style wig. Colourful mohawk wigs. Halloween sorts of wigs- like a Dracula one, or a witch one. Crazy punk rocker wigs. Pirate wigs. They were just a few of the wigs I imagined in the ten minutes wait before the doctor returned.

“She said you can see her now,” the doc faced Zayn.

“Thank you,” Zayn looked happier now. We all gave him a quick nod; another reassurance to him that we were all okay him going.

“Remember to express our feelings about taking her wig shopping!” Louis shouted as Zayn left the room. We all laughed and then he turned to face us. “Do you think he heard me?” He asked.

“I’m sure he did Lou,” Harry laughed and we joined in.

“Good,” Louis looked a little happier at the thought.

“We best get going,” Eleanor said, “Sorry guys.”

“No, it’s fine,” I smiled at her.

“Yeah, it was great you two could come, I’m sure Zayn really appreciates your support,” Harry agreed.

“We’ll walk you to the exit,” Louis piped up, taking hold of Eleanor’s hand.

You Are Everything I See ~One Direction FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now