"Did even eat today?" I asked, sitting down on the chair.

"Ya, once" he said, keeping his eyes closed.

"Only once?" I asked, suddenly trying again to get my hand out of his. This is why Minhun can't come over... Yoongi been acting so weird lately I thought glaring at him.

"Ya, wasn't hungry." He said simply, letting go finally. My hand felt the rush of the air conditioning in the room as I retracted my hand swiftly and stuck it in my pocket.

"You need to eat. I'll have Jin make you something." I said. "Then I'll take you're temperature." Yoongi didn't say anything so I took it as a 'sure go ahead' and I got up and went downstairs.

"Can you make something for Yoongi to eat Jin? He hasn't eaten all day." I said, going into the storage cabinet and taking out a thermometer.

"Sure, is he okay?" Jin asked concerned, getting up from the couch he was sitting on.

"I think so." I said, quickly walking back up the stairs and into the bedroom. "Get up, so I can check your temperature." I ordered and Yoongi complied. I checked the degree after and saw that it was still high. "It's still high." I said, sighing a little. I looked at Yoongi and saw that he still had his eyes closed.

"Makes sense." Yoongi said, laying back down.

"How did you even get sick?" I asked, scolding him. "You need to take better care of yourself." But Yoongi just rolled his eyes and turned over.

"I'll take that into consideration once we solve our problem and I don't have to worry about if I'm ever going to make music again." He said bitterly.

"Yoongi-" I start to say.

"It's fine. I know we're all trying our best and I appreciate you driving us to different towns each week. It's really helping." He said. I frowned and stayed quiet for a minute. Yoongi didn't seem like he wanted to talk anymore, and I wanted him to rest more so I decided to leave at that moment. I walked back down stairs and sat on the couch next to Jimin.

"Did you guys find anything?" I asked curiously, even though I already knew the answer.

"No." Jimin said sighing. "But we'll keep looking." I nodded and laid back into the cushions. "Is Yoongi sleeping?" Jimin asked curiously.

"He's just laying down at the moment." I said.

"Okay....I'm going to go talk to him." He said, smiling and getting up.

"Okay." I said, resting my eyes. Being tired all day really wears you out even more, if that's even possible. Since no one else was on the couch I took the opportunity to lay down, resting my head on the throw pillow. I didn't mean to sleep for more than thirty minutes, but when I did open my eyes I realized that the house was eerily quiet. I blinked few times confused and then started to sit up. However halfway through I realized that there was a blanket on me. I stopped and clutched the blanket, knowing that it wasn't there before.
Who put this blanket on me?....did one of the guys do it I thought, scrunching up my eyes confused as I threw it off me and stood up.

"Oh you're up." I heard Yoongi say surprisingly. I whipped around and saw him casually sitting at the small kitchen table.

"Yoongi? What, what are you doing up?" I asked, walking over. He should be in bed I thought.

"I didn't feel like laying in bed." He said, before coughing and I narrowed my eyes.

"You're still obviously sick." I said sternly. "Why didn't the rest of the members stop you? Where are they?" I asked, ready to scold each and every one of them, but then realized that it was pitch black out. I whipped my head back to Yoongi and widen my eyes."You, you didn't turn back?" I asked, looking at him, raising an eyebrow. That's the second time now... I thought worried. What the heck is going on?!?!

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