Chapter 3

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"What?" I choked out, looking at him dumblefounded. "There's no way you can be my dolls. You're human." I looked at the others members for support and they all stared at their leader just as shocked at what came out of his mouth as I was.

"There's no way we're dolls." Suga said, his voice sounding as one that was stating the obvious.

"I know it doesn't sound like a sane theory, but you guys need to think about it clearly for a minute. We all passed out and woke up nineteen years later and we look exactly how we were the same day we disappeared. How do you exactly explain that?" Rap Monster said firing back. His voice gave off no hint of him being uncertain and I felt my stomach twist inside.

"These guys are weird.... I thought

"We were obviously in a coma." Suga said, equally as confident, ignoring my caught off guard face I was making at them.

"That doesn't make sense." Rap Monster said flatly, his eyes sharp as knives. He had his head propped to the side ever so slightly as he and Suga glared at each other and all of us stood by watching them.

"I don't make sense?" Suga huffed, sarcastically huffing a cloud of air out of his mouth. "You're the one that thinks we're dolls." He shot back.

"How else do you think we've stayed this young and appeared in a girl's room?" Rap Monster said angrily.

"Maybe she kidnapped us. Maybe she's lying about being a fan and she's kept us here for the nineteen years." Suga said, eyeing me down now. I glared right back at him, wondering what this guy's problem was. Sure they were attractive and were idols at some point, but that was nineteen years ago. I've never listened to their music before and this was my first time seeing them. Ya I had dolls of them, but my mom gave them to me.

"I didn't kidnap you guys." I said glaring at Suga more and I was about to say other things but Jungkook stepped in.

"That's enough." Jungkook said harshly stepping forward a little. "We shouldn't just start blaming people without evidence. We'll figure this all out, but for now I think we should all settle down. We're probably not the only ones in this house and if -" Jungkook said suddenly looking at me.

"Sorry, what you're name?" He asked me awkwardly.

"Sumi." I said back.

"Right, well if what Sumi said is true and she doesn't know how we got here then we need to make an excuse to why we're here." He said. Suga glared at him, his eyes looking like they could cut through brick, however he didn't get a chance to say anything more because my head snapped at the mention of my grandparents and I quickly ran out of the room, realizing that we had been, no doubtingly, really loud and they were in the house. The sound of my hurried footsteps hit the stairs as I literally flew down the stairs, leaving BTS behind me.

"Grandma!" I yelled, my voice flying around the various room. However as I yelled their name again I got no answer only greeted by the silence of the air, which was quickly replaced with BTS walking down the stairs. I quickly looked back at them and ran towards them, trying to push them back up stairs.

"Go back upstairs! My grandparents could see you." I said, quickly pushing Jin back up the stairs, however I really didn't get far because Suga pushed Jin back at me.

"Obviously the person you're looking for isn't here. You've been yelled for them for a few times now. We heard you" Suga said staring at me angrily.

The seven guys continued to walk down the stairs even after asking them to go back and quickly filed into the nearest room where the stairs connected to; all of them curiously looking around, eyeing the gray couch covered in different kinds of pillows that sat directly in front of a flat screen tv, and a simple wooden book shelf that stood to the left of it. They could also tell that the colored walls stayed the same all through out the house, and the room in which they were standing in was connected to the dining room. As they kept looking around I just stood there trying to figure out where my grandparents could of gone.

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