'I am so sorry Annie... Please listen to me... ' Deepika cries

'It's damn easy for you right, just cut people out of your lives, and then come back asking for forgiveness... I know everyone is selfish, but I didn't expect you to become like them... ' Ananya sobbed

'You have no idea, How I lived without you, in these 2 years...' Deepika cried

'Go away then... Live with your new besties... I don't believe in second chances...' Ananya said

'I know Annie, please come out, slap me, shout at me, hit me... Do anything but please don't walk away like this...  I am ready for any punishment you give Annie, please please come out... ' Deepika cried

'What did Ved do to you Deepika...?' Vikrant asked confused and Deepika gets scared and so does Ananya, on the other side of the door...

'Bhai... Wo... We had an argument on some stupid issue, and I took it out on Ananya... That's why she is upset... ' Deepika lied and Vikrant didn't seem to buy her reason, but did not say anything and Ananya sighed at this...

Deepika quickly turns back to face Ananya's door, to hide her panicked expression, because she know that her cousin Vikrant, was not very fond of Ved, and if he comes to know that, Ved said all those things to her, he might do anything with him...

'Annie..  Please I am sorry... Please open the door... ' Deepika knocks her door again

Ananya wipes her tears, and then takes a deep breath, and turns the knob to open the door...

Deepika, who face is tearstained, smiles nervously at him and Vikrant stares at them questioningly...

'Will you ever do that again...?' Ananya glares angrily at Deepika

'Never... ' Deepika nods negative

'You Promise to stay with me no matter what happens between you and my brothers... ?' Ananya asked

'Yes... ' Deepika holds her hands

'And If you dare to abandon me again....?' Ananya begin

'Lock me inside the room, full of rats and I won't shout at all... ' Deepika said wiping her tears

Ananya's glare turns into a smile, and then she tightly hugs Deepika, who hugs her back..

'I missed you Deeps... ' Ananya cried

'I missed you too Annie... ' Deepika cried

'Too much drama, Thank god, now I will be free from the messenger role I was playing from last 2 years... ' Vikrant sighed dramatically and they both chuckled

His phone started ringing, and he goes out to answer it, and Vansh comes out of his room wearing a Captain America mask, which was covering most of his face...

'Bhai, What is this...?' Ananya asked

'I know she doesn't want to see my face, thanks to my twin.. So I covered it... ' He grinned

Deepika chuckled, and walks towards Vansh, and removes the mask from his face, he stares at her in anticipation

'You may have his face, but he doesn't have your heart... ' Deepika smiled pointing at his chest and Vansh chuckled

'I missed you kid, we both missed you, a lot, I am sorry for what happened... ' Vansh holds Deepika's hands

'It's not your fault Vansh, you were always on my side... And I am grateful to you for that... ' Deepika hugs him and he hugs her back..

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