Chapter Five

1.8K 58 26

Song: Irresistible by Fall Out Boy ft Demi Lovato

Word Count: 1134  

Chat Noir's POV

I walked into class after changing back into my civilian clothing and sighed heavily as I sat down beside Nino. Images of Ladybug and Marinette flashed through my head and I knew with every bone in my body that they were one in the same, yet I could do nothing. I'd recognise her silky voice and enchanting eyes anywhere, I had no doubt that Marinette was my Ladybug- that wasn't the problem.

The problem was that M'lady had made a decision. A decision to not reveal that we know of the other's identities. It burned, scorched me to my soul, but I couldn't reveal that I knew who she was, I couldn't jump over the barrier that our aliases provided for an actual relationship.

I ran my fingers on her smooth arms, drawing random shapes as we talked. "It could be done, we could do it Just you and I, it's not impossible!" I pleaded with her.

Her blue gaze pierced me as she wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me tightly. "You know why we can't, Kitty." She pressed a kiss on my neck and I shivered as electricity ran through my veins. I wrapped my arms around her and melded her to my body.

"We can keep it a secret, no one will have to know."

"They'd find out and we'd be sent to different squads."

"What about if we did it as our civilian selves? They can't tell us no then."

"You know that's off the table."

My eyes closed and I just took in the feeling of her in my arms, committing it to memory. "I can't just leave you after all this."

Her hand ran up to my cheek and she held it causing my eyes to flutter open, her fingers traced my lips before giving me a sad smile, "It will have to be like nothing happened." She ticked it off on her fingers, "no affection, no speaking without voice scramblers, no mentioning any of this." Hopeless eyes met mine, "face it, Chat. We're just not meant to be. No matter what we do, you'll never be mine and I'll never be yours."

I kissed the crown of her head, "What about tonight? We still have some time before the operation ends..." Letting in a deep breath, I raced out, "Can you be mine till then?"

She gave me a mischievous smile, "Of course, I'm all yours till it the mission ends, Chatton."

I didn't need much more encouragement before my lips came crashing down upon hers on the balcony in the cold air. One thing lead to another, and even though we were running on borrowed time I knew that I would never regret the time we spent together.

But everything would have to come crashing down eventually. And that it did.

My fingers raked through my blond hair in frustration

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My fingers raked through my blond hair in frustration. After it all, our burner phones binged with a message that the mission was a success and that we were to meet on the plane in our work attire in less than an hour. I never had a chance to tell her how much I wanted her, how much I hated that we couldn't be together, there were so many things I couldn't tell her.

Marinette plopped down in her seat behind me and started to unpack her books for class. In a last minute craze, I got up and sat down beside her. Alya walked in and looked at the seating change before shrugging and slinging her bag down beside Nino.

I leaned back in my seat and gazed at the beauty beside me. She opened her mouth (probably to tell me to go back to my seat or something), but was cut off by the bell. The teacher sauntered in and I smirked at Marinette, "Seems we're stuck together for this class, Princess."

She gave me a glare I knew all too well before turning to the front. I knew that she probably knew that I was Chat, in fact, I had no doubt, my girl was smart and since she heard my voice in the earlier mission, I had no doubt that she knew that it was Chat Noir sitting beside her.

The teacher announced a project with your table partner before sending out the project's outlines to our school tablets which had been handed out earlier today. When it was time to start working I leaned forward and whispered, "Quite miraculous that we ended up working together, wouldn't you say?"

She flinched slightly at the word 'miraculous,' but quickly composed herself, she became the poster-child for relaxation as she leaned against the back of the bench, appearing completely at ease. "I wouldn't quite use that word to describe this engagement of ours. But I do know that we should start this project, Kitty." This time I flinched, but quickly composed myself. I was now 100% sure that she knew who I was. She smiled at my flinch and asked, "Not a cat person?" Before I could respond, she continued, "I'm more of a dog person myself."


Seems she's taken her claws out to play. I analyzed her and swiftly came to the conclusion that she was mad at me for going against what she said earlier and approaching her in her civilian form.

If she wasn't going to allow me to talk to her about anything through our aliases, might as well see her as Adrien. She never said anything about me talking to her if we were both innocent students, and she couldn't yell at me for going against the laws because then it would reveal that we knew each other's identities. She couldn't even cause a scene because that could draw unwanted attention to her. I had a feeling that she knew all of this and was just sitting there watching me.

All she could do was sit there and act as if she didn't know me. All she could do was be Marinette, while I was being Adrien.

And it was delightful.

If I couldn't jump the hurdle that was our spy personas, then I'd go around them, I'd completely run around them, avoiding them completely.

I thought smugly, 'you might be convinced that we could never be together, but watch out. M'lady, I'm going to prove you wrong while simultaneously rocking this mission. Just you watch.'

I gave her a cheeky wink before I started to talk about the project, one way or another she was going to see that being with me wasn't that bad. One way or another I'd find a way to tell her everything I was prevented from.

I love you, M'lady, and it's about time you learned that yourself.


Hope you enjoyed it!

This chapter was inspired by the song linked above- at this point of the story it feels (loosely) like a Love-Hate relationship of sorts, and I feel like this song captures how they're feeling right now.

How's everyone's summers?


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