Sincerely, Arch Nemisis

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By: solvefgfanfic
Date Published: September 21

A/N: To explain my absence, I been busy adulting, and had my laptop crash on me. This is the first time I've had time to stop by and it appears a bit of drama is currently taking place on this site. Fanfiction authors are turning off their comments, wiki pages are turning off the comment section, an article is going around the web about this site, and a user got banned. Wow, do I feel out of the loop.

To feel more in the know, I poked around and noticed one common theme, all this drama appears to have revealed users' true colors. Not very flattering colors. Looking at how you guys treat each other made me feel ashamed to be a part of this website. Extremely ashamed. I joined because I heard this was a positive community full of fans who loved Finn Gunn. That's what I wanted, to be surrounded by passionate fans—fans who could give a real perspective about what made Finn Gunn great.

I have found countless reasons for what makes Finn Gunn great while here, but my research has been largely overshadowed by Helen Tranker's death.

As fans of Finn Gunn, it is only natural that Helen Tranker's death should affect you guys. Obsessing over any fandom can give anyone an attachment to its creator. Some of you are clearly mourning Helen Tranker's passing—and that is okay. What's not okay is taking that grief out on each other.

As has been stated countless times, Helen Tranker is dead. Gone. Never coming back. To write up theories as to why and how Helen Tranker died is both disrespectful to her memory and estate.

But again, as fans of Finn Gunn, it is only natural that you should be curious about its author's death. Yeah, unless you've been living in a hole, you guys know Helen Tranker committed suicide. To be blunt, she was lonely, depressed and in a dark place. It's hard to comprehend unless you yourself have been suicidal. There's a little bit of a taboo talking about suicide, but I think it's time that we as a fandom did.

Suicide is a sad thing, any time death appears to be a logical solution is sad. Made even sadder by a simple truth—it's a rare case where few, if any, are truly at fault. Suicide is never an answer, and anyone contemplating it should try to get help. Trying to cast blame on anyone is a dilemma that would drive people insane.

So why is this community trying? You guys are so busy chasing each other with pitch forks—you're missing the point. Helen Tranker was depressed. Why are you guys, as fans of hers, willing to tear each other down so easily? Especially when you have seen the consequences of such misery.

That reminds me of another thing I wanted to address, for a time, there was a group on this website that called themselves ameliorants. Ameliorant or ameliorate, is a verb that means to build up or make better. Nothing currently on this site has ameliorated Helen Tranker's suicide. In fact the members of this group have actually done the opposite.

This petty behavior sickens me. You are all a part of a community—act like it. Make your website a happy environment, that makes the best of what it is given.

Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, this is the last time I will be able to visit for a while. I hope that when I return, it will be a better place to be.

Disclaimer: Helen Tranker owns the Finn Gunn series, not me.

Dear Fanfiction,

Just to clarify, I absolutely hate Finn Gunn. He is my arch nemesis, we are not best friends, or in any weird intimate relationship. That is just gross and messed up. And you guys call me insane. Also, what is it with me and Vanesa? I killed her for crying out loud! There was never any love there to begin with. At least that's what you guys think. Mwahahahaha.....


Finn Gunn's Arch Nemesis

p.s. Want something new to read?! Check out this great book I wrote, it's called "Thirty Hours" and you can get it on any book selling website starting at about $1.99.

Book blurb:

Jace was on his way home from the canyon when his car flipped over. Stuck out in the wilderness with less than twenty percent battery life left on his phone, he'll have to see how long he can survive before succumbing to the frostbite.

Comments and Reviews for Dear Fanfiction (Yes this is one of those stories):

Finesa4eva said:
Tbh, it has become a must more negative place since tranker's death.

Crimesolvsrox said:
I agree.

Mrs Gunn2847 said:
Whose actively grieving tranker at this point?

dontcrushmysoul said:
[+Mrs Gunn2847]
I am. Not ashamed to admit that Auntie Helen's death was soul crushing.

Fluffybanana3176 said:
Maybe not so much her death— but I've definitely been morning the last book.

totesFABwardrobe said:
Perhaps we all have.

darkadontel said:
I know it's true for me. Tranker's death = no book= life is [expletive] = people are [expletive] = every one is plagerizimg Finn Gunn and what happens when Spiders Fly.

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