Code Name: Truthers

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Finn Gunn and the End

By: dontcrushmysoul
Date Published: September 6

A/n: I was super pleased with all the hits I got for my first chapter, and I think I might be stalking a couple of you guys online because of it! Thank you so much for all you do! As I pointed out in my last chapter, I have taken up the mantle of Finn Gunn, left behind by Helen Tranker, and am determined to solve her death. She was too clever to die the way she did, and there are so many Finesa shippers out there that I can honestly say I don't think Auntie Helen committed suicide, I think she was cleverly murdered by a Fanatic Fan. Help me out with my quest for justice, as I try to make sense of all the clues she left behind. Comment below and tell me what you think our code name should be, as we are all fellow triggers and deserve to have a code name! Sorry when I wrote triggers I really meant truthers, stupid autocorrect!

I would also enjoy reiterating my love for user totesFABwardrobe they are just so awesome and every time I work with them they always is willing to help and share Ideas! I couldn't imagine a better friend than them and I honestly don't think I would be willing to write and post regularly if it weren't for them. Everyone has their own satisfaction and loyalty to something, and this friend is honestly that way towards me. I think everyone here needs to go read their stories if they haven't already, please go open another tab and start reading their latest storyn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is just that wonderful that I will wait for you to finish that story before reading this chapter!

In life there is a lot of opposition, and that's why it took over six weeks to post another chapter. Sorry, it wasn't anything personal and it was not anything I was able to fix. I was legit just to lazy to right the next chapter for my story. I have been thinking about this story alot and I really want the chapters to just spontaneously appear, so that I can enjoy this story as much as you get to! So I will try to post more regularly and all, but I am really not going to make any promises.

So, today I was really not wanting to get up and deal with life and all that jazz, but it then I became disgusted by how lazy I was being and forced myself to get out of bed and get ready for the day, because of school and all and I really don't want to become a bum and all so I know I have to go to school and work and be successful, but I guess the truth is that I don't want to have to try. And yeah, I guess that's exactly what my problem is. If only I could get some more posts out by the end of the year. Hope this is a good enough excuse for everyone.

I want to personally thank everyone who responded to my first chapter. It means so much that something I do us good for something and not just a waste of my life.

To ZN_34, thank you so much for noticing that I was trying to make Finn Gunn feel depressed by Vanesa's death, too often I think we Skipp over how sad it must be too loose someone who you really cared about. I'm trying to make this a good conclusion to the series, and a good tribute to Helen Tranker. So thanks again for your kind words.

To Finesa4eva, Haha you fell for it! That makes me so Happy. I was really worried people would dismiss it as a dumb joke! Turns out I can be quite the prankster when I want!

To Fluffybanana3176, Fluffy I want you to understand something, I wrote the shoutout more for what we were than for what we are now. I don't like you right now.

To crimesolvsrox, thanks for reading!!! every comment helps!!!

Ms. Helen Tranker has an announcement to make, "From now on, hence forth 'til forever, dontcrushmysoul shall be the owner of all Finn Gunn stories and properties! P.s. I am dead."
So this doesn't count.

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