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BY; ZN_34
Date Published: April 8

Authorial Notation: Hehe, I hope this to be some jest, yet I noticed I did not receive any reviews last week. No reviews would ne'er trouble me under mundane circumstances, yet I yearn to see how others view my work. How else does one improve, but with the help of peer review! I am eager to convey more of my writ, so this week shall be a 'freebie' but I will not post further until I get five whole reviews of  merit and substance.

I make no claim on ownership of Finn Gunn, indeed I would rather book twenty be published than any story of my own.

Chapter Again

"Fingal, my beloved Inspector." Makovsky said as he approached the desk Fingal was entrenched behind. "The autopsy conducted on the corpse found in the woods last week has been completed. We now have more information on that mold you were so enthralled by."

"No need to tell me what was on the report," Fingal said without so much as a glance at Makovsky, "I already know exactly what happened to Mr. Johnston."

"Geewhillikins!" interjected Makovsky. "I have yet to tell the victim's name to you! How have you all but solved this investigation, without so much as an autopsy?!"

Fingal smirked in a haughty way "I never will reveal my clandestine ways to you. How I know his name and who perpetrated his death, is a secret I shall carry with me to the grave."

"I honor your integrity Fingal, yet could you part with a morsel? We simply must know who the perpetrator is." Makovsky plead with Finn. "As to how you came to this information, as far as I am concerned it is because you are the FINGAL EVERETT GUNN!! One of the greatest detectives of our generation."

Fingal had never received such adulation. . .this early in the morning. He wiped away tears from his eyes. "Unless I am very much mistaken, the perpetrator is," Fingal lowered his voice keenly aware of eavesdroppers, "the person we have hitherto supposed dead."

All the blood drained from Makovsky's face. Fingal locked eyes with him and  after a moment of deep silence and suspence, Fingal cast his gaze upon the onlookers who were listening intently to their conversation.

"I postulate our perpetrator to be Vanesa!" He exclaimed to the room at large.



"Howbeit possible? Is she not dead herself?!"

"T'would pay a staggering sum to be lying," Fingal admitted.

"How came you to such a tale? To link a dead lady to another dead soul? Nay one of us came to such conclusions."

Finn gave the doubter in question his most beautiful condescending smile, one that showed off his sparkling white canines, as well as a tinkling laugh, "I know because I am THE FINGAL EVERETT GUNN!! GREATEST DETECTIVE OF MY GENERATION!! GREATER THAN EVERY ADAPTATION OF SHERLOCK HOLMES COMBINED!!"

Makovsky was pleased he was the one to give Fingal his alibi. Although he was unsure why Fingal refused to acknowledge how he knew Vanesa was their perp. "Were not you and Vanesa courting one another at the time of her death?"

Finn nodded and gave Makovsky a thumbs up.

"We were indeed pursuing one another, but alas the more I fell in love, the more I realised I was dating something akin to a sociopath. I had never personally come in contact with antisocial personality disorders and I longed to study her, so I continued to date Vanesa. That is how I know this murder to be her handiwork."

"I concur with the evidence you have presented. If Vanesa has indeed killed Mr. Johnston, she did while presumed dead. She is alive, and needs to be brought to justice."

Contrary to agreeing with Makovsky, Fingal began to laugh. Makovsky was disappointed he did not agree. However the longer Fingal laughed the funnier his laughter became. Soon everyone was howling in mirth. "What jest are we laughing at, Fingal?" Makovsky inquired.

"I laugh because I know Vaensa died. I was with her when she passed away, " Fingal sneered, and the laughter ended. "Indeed after solving Mr. Johnston's death, I may have been the one to confront her."

Makovsky has never been betrayed like this, Fingal had killed a perpetrator! He had perpetrated the perpetrator. Nary a second before anyone had time to react, Fingal bounded out the door and away into the light of day.

Makovsky retreated to the chair Fingal had left unoccupied. Maybe by sitting in the master's chair he could be indued with Fingal's intellect. It was no surprise Makovsky was unable to catch the marvelous, alluring, innovative, extraordinary, passionate, exuberant, radical Mr Fingal Gunn.

Maybe, Makovsky thought to himself, I shall consume doughnuts. I have tried against my better judgment to refrain, but what difference will a few doughnuts make, the bad guys still escape from my clutches.


Udreamtme said:
Is this fic for real or are you just trolling everybody?

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