Chapter 13- Movie, cuddles and jackass mode

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Callie's P.O.V

Blake and I were laying on my bed watching Rocky...the first one. The boy has good taste in movies I will give him that, loved all the Rocky movies. I was thankful for his company...thankful he was not being a jackass.

"Sweetie can I come in?" I heard my dad's voice with a knock on the door

"Sure." I said

He walked in, smiling until he seen Blake on my bed, he looked a little confused cause I had some guy on my bed that was not Ryan. Blake soon sat up, clearly feeling awkward with my father in the room. Blake never seemed the type to get this was around fathers...he seems like he would usually be a smartass towards them just cause he can.

"Um...Hi Sir. I am Blake...a friend of Callie's, we go to school together." Blake said nervously

I giggled as I watched him turn into a nervous wreck with my dad in the room. My dad was a good guy, he won't mind Blake being here as long as we aint doing anything we shouldn't be doing and that is never gonna happen with Blake and I, he has no need to worry.

"Hey son. I am Deacon, Callie's father." He smiled at Blake...Blake seeming to relax after that

"It is nice to meet you." Blake smiled

"You too son. I was only wanting to see how you were doing, see how your foot was sweetheart?" he smiled coming over to me

I was a daddy's girl, always have been.

"I am OK. It is still painful but it has eased, can walk better on it." I smiled

"Well make sure you keep it rested. I will leave you kids to it, remember curfew Callie." He smiled kissing the top of my head

I smiled, nodding. If I had anyone over my parents like to make sure they were here no later than 11pm during the week...midnight at the weekend and I was OK with that. My dad gave Blake a quick nod before walking out, leaving us to get back to the movie. It was only 830pm so we still had a couple of hours.

"Could you have been any more nervous?" I giggled looking at Blake

"Shut up." He laughed "I don't know what your dad is like, he may have wanted to kill me when he found me in your bedroom, most father have that response when they see me with their daughters." He added chuckling

I could believe that, most father would properly freak out but mine was different. He trusted me...knows I am with Ryan and would never cheat on him that is why he is OK with Blake being here.

"My dad aint like that, he is a good guy, well unless you hurt me in anyway then he becomes a different man." I smirked

"Is that my warning?" Blake asked

"Yup! Now shut up. I want to watch the rest of the movie." I giggled

He never argued, doing as he was told for once. I tried to get back into a comfortable position but was failing, starting to get seriously annoyed at myself. I was comfortable five minutes ago, what changed? Jeeze!

"Oh My God would you stop blooming moving woman? Stuff sharing a bed with you at night." Blake said laughing

A thing he will NEVER fine out, what it is like to share a bed with me. I turned to him, drawing him daggers making sure he knew I was annoyed and it would be a bad idea if he annoyed me even more.

"I can't get comfortable, leave me alone." I pouted

"Aw poor you. Lay here, see if that helps any?" he smiled, patting his chest

"Um...No. I will be OK thanks." I said awkwardly

"I don't bite honestly. Are you always so damn stubborn?" he laughed

"Yes I get it from my mother. What do you get in return for helping me get comfortable Mr Bad Boy?" I smirked, raising my brow at him

Blake rolled his eyes...hey that is my thing, why is he doing it?

"Nothing, I do not want nothing." He laughed

I looked at him, working out if he was telling the truth and it seemed like he was. I was only resting my head on his chest, that can't do any harm can it? He smiled, patting his chest again. I sighed, deciding why aint like I am doing something I aint meant to be doing.

"Ok. Thank you." I whispered

I shifted my body, resting my head on his chest, my hand resting on his stomach. I am positive I heard him swallow hard when I got this close to him. Blake wrapped his arm around my shoulder, not a word spoken between us. The two of us got back to the movie, a silence falling throughout the room...a comfortable one. It felt good to be close to someone again even if it is Blake. He smelled really good though, that I do have to admit. I know I should not even be thinking these things, it was's the truth though.

"Better?" he asked

I looked up at him, giving him a wide smile and nodding my head. He chuckled, reached in, pushing my hair out of my face. I gulped, his fingertips were rough but felt good on my skin. I found my eyes close over, moving into his touch. He placed his hand on my cheek, his eyes looking straight into mine. I see him run his tongue over his bottom lip and that was the thing that made me snap out of it. I was quick to pull away from him, resting my head back on the pillow. I heard Blake sigh loudly, running his hands through his dark hair. I knew if I never moved he would have kissed me and I was scared knowing there was a possibility I would have kissed him back too. I aint a cheater, it is not my style. I never liked the way I was beginning to feel around Blake, it was wrong. Why would I be interested in a bad boy player like him when I have Ryan who is amazing, sweet and loves me? It would be a very stupid decision for me to make.

"I think I should go." Blake said, sitting up on the bed

"You don't need to. You can stay watch the rest of the movie if you want?" I said chewing my lips nervously as I looked at him

"Thanks but it is for the best, plus I got someone waiting for me to fuck them." He winked

"Whatever Blake." I said annoyed, shaking my head

"What's wrong? Jealous?" he smirked

And would you look at that, the jackass is back.

"Go fuck yourself Blake. Can you not be a decent human being for one night without going into jackass mode?" I hissed

"What is the fun in that? See you around sexy." He winked, grabbing his shoes, walking straight out of my room without another word

I grabbed my pillow throwing it at the door as it closed. Jerk! I should not have expected anything more from him. I was not gonna let him get to me. I decided to check in on Josie see how things are going with her and Austin

Callie to Josie: Hey bestie how is your time with Austin going? X

Josie: AMAZING! He is really sweet and funny. X

Callie: He better not be acting like an ass? X

Josie: No far from it. I am pretty smitten with him. We are going on a date tomorrow :D. Thank you x

Callie: YEAH! And you are very welcome. I will leave you too it. See you tomorrow at some point. Love you x

Josie: See you tomorrow. Love you too bestie. X

I smiled, least someone was having a good night. I decided to grab a shower and have an early night cause I was exhausted. Why did such a good day have to end so shitty? 


Hope everyone is having a good day :D Please let me know what you all think? New story coming later...Games of is more adult and fun if anyone likes those kind of stories ;) hehe. 

Broken Hearted Bad Boyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें