Who are you?

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"Who are you?"

"Kill yourself." she commanded

"Why would I?" I asked her

"No one loves you." I stopped for a moment, realizing it's true.

"Who are you?" questions lingered on my mind, how does she know that?

"Anxiety, depression, bipolar, addiction." What the hell is she talking about?

"I'm your mental disorders, darling" she said as if she can read what's on my mind as she suddenly disappeared.

"Why don't you have mercy on me?! You're evil!" I shouted angrily

"You stole everything from me, isn't that enough?" I know that deep inside, I'm scared.

"Please don't dim my light, it's my only way to go out from this misery" I weep and let myself rest for awhile.

And when I woke up, I immediately saw the blade in my arms and it's dancing with the rhythm of wounds.

"No one loves me" I uttered before my last breathe.

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