Alone and Lonely

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"I was drowning but nobody saw my struggles."

I saw hundreds of people,
talked, touched, be with them

I gazed thousands of stars,
wished, never granted, cried

I land millions of way,
walked, jumped, run

until I met you,
hold, hugged, kissed, missed

I stopped wishing upon the star,
you're already here so why?
I can just stand with you.

happiness changes things,
you brought light to my life

to be loved and cared for,
it was most beautiful feeling

so does pain,
the light was lost
you left, I cried, we waved good bye

I forget that I am not able to swim,
and so I drown.
with the little thoughts inside my head,
with a big pang of pain here in my heart,

I thought that being with you
I'll be happier, but I was wrong

I realized,
the pain will only stop if I die,
I drown myself more,
no one rescued me,
in the depths of my dash

so here I am
realizing that
from the start,
up until tonight,

I am

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