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It lost its meaning. Sadly become something short of a chore. The team is always finding someone to shove at me. They say I get pissy when I don't get laid enough. I don't have it in my heart to tell them I'm pissy no matter what. But this should be different. I genuinely like him. That hasn't happened in a while. And god knows i won't do it in my room. Can't have the paper cranes having more shit on me.


I smile as I plop down in the passenger seat of Logan's compacted car. I made a comment of that, the first time I rode in his car. He waved me off and said some huge basketball player has a 'Lambo' and 'those things are like, tiny inside'. I, of course, laughed. 

"Hey," I bet my grin looks kind of stupid, but he's been gone for a week camping or something. I missed even when I tried not to. 

We'd only been talking two months, dating one. Something inside me made me scared if I did something, anything, he'd think I was moving to fast.

"Hey," I close my eyes in relief when he leans over and presses out lips together. I melt in my seat and obviously, he must feel the same. 

His hand comes to cup my cheek, our lips mixing harder than a simple greeting kiss. My fingers twitch my way to back, looping underneath his arm. He smells faintly of a campfire but more of his deodorant. It makes a good combination. I missed the pink flesh of his lips more than I probably should have.

When we pull away, panting, I met his eye and he lets out an airy chuckle, "Camping was fun and all, but I definitely can say your kisses are better than any s'more I almost burnt."

I laugh too, and pull my seat belt on, "It's amazing to be compared to a s'more and win. Maybe all that lake water has gone to your head."

He shakes his head at me, pulling the car out of park. But he's still smiling. I'm still smiling too. I could have just driven over to his apartment, but he insisted on picking me up. I guess a few days in the woods made him feel like a 'real man'. And of course, he'd think a 'real man' should pick up his boyfriend.

On the way there, I make him tell me all the crazy things that shock me he would do. Like the bugs and sleeping on the ground. He scowled at me when I said that, but later he admitted he still felt a little stiff from sleeping on the ground and had a few bug bites that itched. I tried not to laugh too much.

"You should come next year, Phoenix," His eyes are full of excitement and opportunity but I cringe.

"Um, I think you should be the adventurous one out of the both of us. I'll be the city boy."

He pulls a face, not taking his eyes off the road, "City boy? I'm from a bigger city than you."

I shrug, "Yeah, but obviously, you're leaving the city boy position open to be a rough and tough camper boy. That makes me the city boy in the relationship, they'res truly not really any other option."

"Rough and tough camper boy? Wow, thank you. I guess that does mean you have to be the city boy," Then he cries out in the tone of the vine, "City boy! I love you!" We both do the tongue part at the end and laugh. 

"Clearly a week in the wild didn't change you too much," He pulls into his parking lot and I unbuckle.

"Oh, never. Vine definitely has a prominent part in my life forever. It's why I agreed to date you. My own country boy? I'd be stupid to deny that."

"Okay, one," I step out of the car and shut the door, "I'm so happy that's the reason you agreed to date me. Totally a confidence booster. And two, you know I don't like to associate with that stuff. I moved as far away from Wyoming that I could afford and get scholarships for. At this point, I'm sure I have PTSD from cowboy hats and horses." I shudder for added effect.

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