New Hope

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I've never been a fan of talking on the phone. It makes me rather paranoid and makes me feel as if I can't truly understand their meanings and word. I'm not sure why texting is better, it just is. Simpler, easier. It gives you time to think about your reaction. I bite my lip, not bothering to hide my smile. While I wait for a response, I see the bucket of paper cranes out of the corner of my eye. Finally, for the first time in a while, my smile isn't stolen from my face.


I'll admit I was surprised when he asked for my number. We had been sitting int he smelly little restaurant for nearly an hour. Both of us smiling, but I can't but wonder if he is fake.

"I think this has gone quite, well, don't you think?" His eyes are narrow, teasingly.

"It's been alright," I sip my refill, trying to not let the smile show.

"Alright enough for, I don't know," Logan leans back in his chair, smirking, "a phone number exchange?"

I run a hand down my jeans, pretending to consider this thoroughly. Truth be told, I'm ecstatic he liked it enough to even exchange numbers. It's a sign that he would want to meet again. A sign he doesn't necessarily become a quick fuck.

"Mmh, yes. I think it's been alright enough from an exchange of numbers. Although, if you had just given me a cheesy pickup line when I walked in, we could have skipped all of this."

"Perhaps I didn't want to miss all this," With that, he slid his phone across the table and I ran my bottom lip over my top teeth. I didn't want to miss any of this either.

Now, nearly a week later, I had almost been caught texting Logan multiple times. I tend to smile when I text him and that makes me nervous. I don't believe in utter heartbreak, but I do believe in rejection. And it hurts pretty fucking bad.

Logan: How was practice?

Tiring, but it always is when they all fuck around

Logan: Have u told them I like 2 stare @ their asses?

No, I think it'd hurt me 2 much to admit I don't have the best 1 :/

Logan: Hey, slow ur roll. I never said u didn't have the best ass

I stop for a moment, chewing on my lip, blocking out the chaos of the locker room.

Ur 2 smooth

Logan: I try 2 be ;) Is it smooth to slide in a time and place?

4 what?

Logan: Lunch?

Ethan taps my thigh, and I drop my phone into a pile of dirty clothes. Ethan frowns at me, and Gavin skips over, already changed.

He slaps a hand on my shoulder, "Dude, why haven't you changed out yet?"

I push the hair out of my eyes, stalling to find the right words, "I don't know. Zoned out, I guess."

"You were texting someone," I sigh and fight the urge to slap Ethan for outing me.

"Ooh, who? No, no way! Is it blind date boy?" When I blink, not able to form words fast enough Gavin jumps, "Holy shit, Phoenix! Are you finally getting laid?"

"Shut up," I shove him away and pull off my practice jersey and Gavin does a little dance while Ethan smirks at me. 

Ethan's never been one to tease or show a whole ton of emotion. I suppose I should have expected this reaction from Gavin, seeing as how he now feels as if he's the one who brought Logan and me 'together'. Because he threw me under the Jesse train, he says 'you two would have never happened, so honestly, you should be thanking me,' while still dancing around.

That, of course, got the attention of most of the team. So, while I'm trying to strip out of my smelly, dirty clothes, everyone gets a little closer, asking what this is all about. When Van catches a whiff that 'there's a new boy' in my life, I see his cheeks pink ever so slightly, before aburptly turning away. That makes me smile.

"Does he like baseball?" I'm not quite sure who asked it, but a smirk sneaks on my face.

I turn around, my eyes scanning the crowd for Van, who has his back turn to me, "Yes, actually. He likes to stare at our asses, especially Van's." Van tenses and the rest of the team snickers. 


Logan: Hey, it's our second date. Do I still wear a button up? Or is the 2nd date a 'nice and presentable shirt without buttons' type of date? Is that a rule?

I don't know, but it totally should be 1. I'll admit, button-ups stress me out 

Logan: Lol same. So it's agreed? We wear nice t-shirts second date and ratty nerd shirts like star wars t-shirts or something for third?

My eyes widen. He already wants to have a third date? I lick my lips, eyes darting from side to side. How do I respond? Do I even mention the fact he has a third date in mind? I suck in a deep breath, writing and rewriting my response. 

Agreed, but does it have to be star wars?

Logan: Wtf you don't love star wars?

Never seen them

Logan: Nvm date canceled. Pls delete my #

Haha, ok, it's been fun while it lasted, catch u on the flip side

Logan: Flipside?JK this date is 4 sure back on

I laugh, setting my phone back down and digging in my dresser for a nicer t-shirt. Jesse's here, so I'm going to have to figure out a way to sneak past her. Gavin the little snitch told Jesse I was texting Logan so she's been up my ass about it.

"When are you gonna see him again?" "Are you two not a total match made in heaven?" "Can I use you two as an example when I start my matchmaking website?" 

I tiptoe into the bathroom, brushing down my hair, putting deodorant on and brushing my teeth. I can hear the T.V. going in the living room, I figure they're watching some crime show together. Both Gavin and Jesse plan on becoming FBI profilers after college.

One last glance in the mirror, one last check I look good enough for a possible third date. I grab my phone, wallet, and keys. Slipping my feet in shoes, I take a deep breath, try to relax my muscles and begin walking into the living room, trying with all my might to seem casual.

"Hey, where you going, P?" I close my eyes, biting my lip. Gavin has never been good at reading people.

"Uh, I need to go talk to Coach about possibly playing more come June," I reply without turning around and walk a little faster to the door.

"Looking so fancied up? You can't possibly think we'd believe that. That I'd believe that," Jesse shoots up from the couch and I groan, "You're going out on a lunch date! Oh my god, with Logan? Where? Where!" 

Jesse wasn't too short, but with me being a half a foot taller than her didn't stop me from being intimidated. It didn't stop here either, from grabbing my shoulders and jumping up and down. 

"Yes, I'm going out to lunch with Logan. If you don't let me go I'm going to be late," I pried her hands from my shoulder, giving her a little push backward.

"Yeah, Jess, don't be a cock block," Gavin hadn't even gotten up from the couch. I'm surprised he even bothered to pause his show.

"No," I groan and walking backward towards the door, "Lunch. Lunch, Gavin. At a real restaurant not like a sex dungeon."

"Oh, so you're totally wishing it was at a sex dungeon. Well damn, if it goes good tell me, maybe I'll check it out."

I groan again and run out the door before he can say anything else and Jesse can give me 'tips' for lunch.

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