- Chapter 17 -

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The word rang through my head for the rest of the day, and I think Jaxon noticed that something was wrong. Whenever our eyes met across the room, I averted my gaze quickly, and I ignored every advance that he made to try to start a conversation with me.

I was too busy thinking about the implications of being Jaxon's mate. The thought of being soulmates with someone scared me. Did it mean that it was all out of my control, that no matter what, I would be forced to live with him for the rest of my life? And being part of the leadership of a pack... I had only learned that werewolves were real days before, and I was definitely in no way equipped to be part of pack life, much less lead one.

Everything was starting to become real to me. Everything that I had heard so much about was starting to come true, and my life was starting to feel like that of a cheesy cliché teen novel.

Luna. The title held so much responsibility. Responsibility that, at the thought of which, made my stomach drop and my muscles tense.

I wanted to run. It was the only thing that I knew how to do.

The next few days were pretty uneventful. I continued to push Jaxon away, getting scared every time that I felt a small pull towards him when our eyes met. Every time that I pushed him away, I could feel him getting more and more agitated, which caused him to be more and more stern with his pack members.

The change in atmosphere put me even more on edge, and I began trying to hang out with Kasey as much as possible, since she was the only one in the group that didn't need to be around Jaxon as much to deal with pack business.

I was also beginning to worry about school, but more so my future. Everything that I had ever planned out was beginning to change. Being the Luna of a pack... does that mean that I didn't need to go to university after all?

I had been saving up my whole life for the occasion, and I was determined to follow my plan through. However, Jaxon never brought up schooling. Did alphas not go to school after high school? Did they not have time for it?

I brought up the question with Kasey while we were hanging out in her room, with her painting her nails and me enjoying the sense of calm and quiet.

"No, most werewolves don't go to school after high school. In fact, most werewolves don't go to human public schools at all; we have special werewolf schools where we learn about different supernatural creatures, and anything that relates to the type of pack that you were born into.

For warriors, we learn about the art of war, different tactics regarding defence and offence, and so on. However, elite werewolves of packs usually go to public school to practice their behaviour around humans since they're the most likely to have interactions with humans in the future.

There are only a few specialty cases where a werewolf needs to get further education. For example, Doc; he had to go to medical school to make sure that his practices were up to date. There are a lot less specialty cases in warrior packs, but I know researcher packs have a lot of cases where wolves need to pursue further education.

Diplomat packs also have specialty cases where wolves pursue a career in law not only to enhance their debating skills, but to also make sure that the werewolf community remains up to date with human laws and so on."

"Is there any way that a... a Luna could pursue further education?"

Kasey paused what she was doing, looking up to examine my face. "So that's what this is about."

She leaned back onto her dark pink sheets, using one hand to prop herself up. "No, not really; the Luna is usually supposed to stay and help manage the pack with the Alpha. There's no time and no point to go to university."

The Thief and the Alpha (Book One of the Warrior Series) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now