Chapter 18

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ABAGAIL held Mason by the scruff of his letterman jacket, lurching him down the stairs into the basement. "Everyone, out." Abagail growled, impressed that the whole room evacuated without hesitation. Mason stumbled beside her, hand running over his closely shaved head. "So what is the deal?"

"The drug deal." Mason muttered back, throwing himself down onto the couch. Propping his feet up and closed his eyes, ignoring the fact that Caden and Abagail watched him closely.

"Don't make jokes, dumbass." Abagail muttered soflty, running a hand roughly through her hair. This night had proven to a lot more hectic than any of them had bargained for. "Is..."

"Christopher is my mate." Mason's voice was so small. His eyes were trained on the coffee table with an unaltered gaze. Nothing could break it. "I felt a little spark... that time we snuck into his room..."

"You snuck into my brothers room?" Daniel piped up, running down the stairs, pushing past a few people who trailed behind. Part of the pack of course.

"Not the time, Danny." Abagail shook her head, trying to hide her smile. Daniel calmly sat on the armrest of the couch, beside Abagail. "Go on."

"When I touched him... I thought he zapped me... and for a second the whole room..." Mason took a deep breath, leaning forward he made direct eye contact with the three. "My whole world made sense."

"Whipped." Caden mumbled bitterly to himself.

Mason slowly leant back into the couch, letting the cushion sink down, encasing his body. Abagail, Daniel and Caden all exchanged looks.

"Well..." Daniel started. The boy was startled when everyone's attention snapped to him. Gulping, he continued anyway. "I don't see the problem? Why are we moping around here, you have a mate, doesn't that mean you can tell him about us?"

"Our pack is strict... not stricter than most, but still strict." Abagail cringed. "It is the pack council, anyway." Caden's fists clenched, but he still seemed thankful that Abagail had cleared up that it wasn't his Father's fault. "When they thought you were human... before they knew you were my mate, there was talk of..."

"Rejection." Caden said softly.

"Oh." Was all Daniel could say.

There was a very long moment of silence. The three on the couch stared, waiting for Mason to say something - to do anything. But he sat still, eyes trained on the table between them with a vacant expression on his face. Not even a smile. The waiting seemed to go on for an eternity. Daniel's awkwardly shuffling caught Abagail and Caden's attention, causing the boy to go still. Smiling, Abagail placed a hand on his thigh.

"If it means anything, you have my permission to date my brother." Daniel said sweetly, trying to lighten the mood.

"Thank you." Mason replied deadpanned. Daniel squirmed again.

"This is really awkward." Caden piped up. Clearly the unmated are a little less understanding of how Mason felt.

"They'll make me reject him." Mason breathed, finally showing another emotion. He was clearly getting worked up. The sudden chain of events catching up with him at an alarming rate.

"They can't make you do anything, Mason." Caden said softly, noticing the spark of Mason's heart rate. Even the shift in his friends emotions.

"It's that or leave the pack - become a rogue!" Mason stood up, he was yelling now. His face contorted slightly, clearly fighting off his wolf. Abagails hand gripped Daniel's thigh a little tighter before trying to calm Mason down.

"We won't let them." She said softly, her face neutral.

"I know - I know." Mason emphasised,  tears welling in eyes. He choked on his words as his hands started to fan out. He looked so vulnerable it made everyone's heart clench in response to him. "But it's useless. Two boys and one of them is a human? It makes us more usless than a fucking stick."

"... sticks are actually really usefull and were what the early men used as tools... a fishing rod is basically a metal stick." Daniel piped up, slight excited at first until he got the not helping look from everyone in the room.

"What Daniel was trying to say is you're nowhere near useless." Abagail started up, her grip loosening. "You're on your way to being the new head pack medic - and you know Caden will choose you when we ascend." Abagil stood up, maneuvering around the table to offer an embrace to Mason. "I know how you're feeling..." Abagail spared Daniel a soft look. "... we will stand by you like you stood by me." Mason wrapped his arms tightly around Abagail, sobbing into her chest. "You just have a moment and we'll think about this later."

"I already know what I want." Mason sniffled, taking a step out of Abagail's embrace almost instantly. He took a deep breath, the tears flowing slower as he turned to Caden. "I will tell come out about Christopher when you become Alpha... as long as you promise me we can stay."

"Man - of course you're staying... I love you dude." Caden's voice cracked, he nearly lept over the table as he pulled Mason into a tight hug. "If this is what you want - I don't ascend for a very long time, are you sure you want to wait that long?"

"I need the time to think." Mason laughed bitterly, clapping Caden on the back. "Anyway... I'll probably get rejected, don't make this a big deal."

"I think we'll definitely talk about this more later, considering we don't ascend for another two years." Abagail deadpanned, wondering if the two really knew how long two years was.

"Wait what." Caden cringed. "Shit..."

"I keep forgetting we are babies." Mason huffed, pressing the palms of his hand against his forehead. "They're going to kick me out."

"We'll vouch for you, Mase, they won't kick you from the pack." Abagail reassured, watching as Mason threw himself into his couch again. "Just sleep on it, hey, considering its Daniels brother - he can get you ins."

"Oh." Daniel stood up awkwardly, eyes wide. "Sure - I can do that." Daniel nodded excessively.

"This is intense." Caden piped up, taking a seat again. "Do you have any more siblings locked away? I think the next one might be my mate."

"Please don't jinx it." Daniel cringed, taking a seat beside him on the couch.

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