Chapter 14

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"ABAGAIL what are you doing?" Mason asked, slapping Abagail hard across the ass. Abagail turned around, narrowing her eyes at him in distaste. Daniel wasn't at her side, that usually made her all kinds of sour. They had been together long enough for not only the pack, but most the school and teacher body. She had even caught wind that Daniel was the same. Although he didn't get as moody as her. He had told her he got a lot of recognition as being her boyfriend, even a few jealous and others respect. But she set them straight.

"Why does everyone always ask me that?" She grumbled, scratching the back of her neck. She sat down on the couch, tilting her head to the side as Mason joined her on the couch. "Daniel went to the toilet but he's been gone a while."

"Damn woman - you don't need to watch him piss." Mason scoffed, throwing his feet over her lap. She again glared at him, snarling a little.

"I just don't trust the people you invite, Duncan." She snarled, eyes raking the crowd thoroughly. She knew Holly Hammond was here, and that angered her. And she didn't want him and Holly to be alone in a room together. "So, you and Caden?"

"He told you?" Mason sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I shouldn't have let it happen... But we just did." He closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing.

"Just forget about it, I guess." Abagail shrugged, her eyes passing over each face in frustration. Mason froze in her lap, scaring her, and distracting her from trying to find Daniel. He was right about her not breathing down her mates neck, but she could never fight the primal urge to look after him.

But Mason obviously wanted to talk, to distract her.

"Do you smell that?" Mason sat up quickly, sniffing around the room. Abagail shoved him off her, dragging her eyebrows together, as she again sweeped the crowd. "Abagail you've got to be shitting me." He stood up, looking around the room, mouth parted in surprise.

"What?" She huffed in frustration, looking around the room. But Mason took off, following his nose. She threw herself back in her chair, closing her eyes and taking another sip from the red cup.

Opening her eyes she sweeped the crowd. Still no Daniel, so she took another sip - longer than the first one.

She could feel the alcohol coursing through her body. Daniel took forever to pee. As soon as he got here she would try and subtly quizz him on it.

After another sip, she felt a pout form. Maybe she wouldn't quizz him. Granted, he was her mate and she had the right to know everything. But he little insecure moment down in the makeup room had her heart reaching out for him. She felt horrible, he had felt that way for some reason. She had tried all through the time he hadn't know about her world - and she had tried so hard. And now it was his turn. The experience with Anthon wasn't the best, she spent the whole time worrying about his safety, but he seemed to have had fun hanging around her work place.

She continued to breath in, as someones hands went over her eyes. "Daniel?" She smiled, tingles racing through her. "I was wondering where you ran off to- " he cut her off by grabbing her by the chin and pressing his mouth to hers. She closed her eyes and smiled.

As soon as their lips touched she felt the life leave her body. Her body froze and it grew cold. Her mind went into overload. It was disgusting. She had never felt so horrible and defensless. Her eyes widened in fear, the smile gone. Instead her mouth contorted into horror.

She grasped to get a holding on her body as her heart sunk into her stomach. These weren't her Daniel's lips. Instantly her hands flew out and shoved the stranger in the chest. She whirled around, her body shaking. Her whole body felt violated like it had last year, when she had nearly been forced to have sex.

But Daniel was different - she loved him. But this wasn't him.

Her eyes landed on who she wasn't expecting, the attractive new kid. He grinned at her, leaning against the back of the couch. He was insanely attractive but Abagail was too shakey. "Hey, sorry you're just insanely hot - " instantly she threw her fist into his face. It threw his head to the side, Caden instantly ripping him into a crowd and throwing his own punch.

She eyed the crowd, praying over and over to the moon goddess that when she turned around she wouldn't - she lost her breath again. Daniel stood like a kicked puppy in the doorway. Her bottom lip wobbled as his gaze went down to the floor, and he turned around. As he took those steps away from her she was sent into a paralyzed panic.

She shook and she barely stayed upright as her knees became weak in fear.

She wiped at her mouth more times than she could think, taking shaking steps towards him. She had to sober up. Taking deep breaths she followed Daniel's scent. "Daniel!" Her heart raced harder as tears welled in her eyes - the back door opened and closed. She could focus wholeheartedly on Daniel, even with the shouting and the pounding music.

It all meant nothing in comparison to Daniel. Irony was fueling their situation right now. They had just had a heart to heart about Daniel scared of losing her to the new kid. It would always haunt him, where he felt he never looked good enough. He made note of how all the werewolves seemed to have the "hot" gene that he was clearly lacking.

He was so incredibly insecure and it was almost infuriating. When would he get it through his head he was enough?

"Daniel!" She screamed, shoving past the door, seeing him walk out to a fire she didn't even know was lit. And Holly Hammond stood on her own, arms folded as she stared into the fire. "No - Don't you fucking dare!" She screamed across the open yard, speed walking after him. Anger and rage filled her body. "Daniel!" Again she felt weak and useless. Completely and utterly useless. "DANIEL!" She screamed out, watching as Daniel wrapped his arms around Holly's waist.

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