Chapter 7

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THE MAN clutched a little girl to his chest tightly. Both of them disheveled and covered in muck and grime. Covering them from head to toe. Their features covered with it. All that were seen from them was their white eyes, wide with fear. There were enough chairs for all of them to be comfortable, but they chose to sit on the one. Abagail had even pointed out that they could sit in either seat, but had met with fear and silence.

Abagail kept her face stoic, void of expression, as she sat infront of them. First the Beta gets a feel of the situation, and then the Alpha steps in. Abagail was in here alone, for as long as she needed, before she brought Caden in.

The man had pale eyes and a haunted expression, clutching the wide-eyed five year old against him. Abagail offered the small girl a smile, her only break in stone cold character, she waved shyly back. Her father tightened his arms around her.

"I... I know we trespassed on your lands but we didn't mean to. If you would just let us go..." he trailed off. His voice shaking. He seemed to suddenly notice her age. He turned the five-year-olds gaze away from her, pressing her head into his chest. Sheltering her.

"I am Beta-in-line Abagail, our patrol said you were running from something, what was it?" Abagail asked, proffessionally nice. She rested her arms on the table, leaning forward. Both respectful but authorative. She had done interrogations like this at least fifty times, by herself and with others. Watching, and learning. Fear stuck out in his eyes, his heart beat quickening.

"Nothing... It was nothing," He lied poorly, his gaze flicking to the two way mirror. His daughter yawned, rubbing her eyes, trying to cuddle into his grip. She was tired, they both were.

But Abagail needed to ask these question, now.

"For the sake of my pack, and your child, what was chasing you?" Abagail pressed, staring with an authoritative intensity. She wasn't the Alpha's right hand man for nothing. She was as strong willed as any Alpha.

Again the man was reluctant, but Abagail was getting close, because he was holding his weakness to his chest just across the table from her.

"Nothing," He whispered, staring into his daughters eyes. The five year old stared up at him.

"Sir, I do not like having to ask this question over and over again. Because when I am finished with you and your offspring, you will be let free with a warning to never cross our borders without permission," Her voice rung with that hardened authority. It leaned a little away from nice to just plain proffesional. Almost the tone of an Alpha. She had picked up on it when living with Caden and his family. That was how she kept her position. "That means going back out there," Panic. He panicked.

"Hunters. Hunters that used to work with the Wolf Killer. They... They're only killing rogues," the man ranted. He was absolutely terrified. The little girl caught on, clutching her Fathers shirt tighter, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "They won't attack packs, too big for them. They're picking us off."

"That's what they all say," She said with a sigh, leaning back in her chair. "Why are you in our territory?"

"I... I was just running with Jessie. We were so scared, when I crossed the border it was too late," He ranted. His heart beat was again erratic. Jessie moved in his arms, obviously sensing her Father's uneasiness. It was working her up, too.

"I'm going to have to ask you to calm down," She warned, sliding the bottle of water towards them. Trying to comfort them.

"Please don't kill us," He begged. It seemed her previous words had gone over his head. They would let him and his daughter go, they were not a threat. She needed to reassure that.

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