Chapter 15

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DANIEL watched as the blonde was thrown across the yard - literally. He gulped when Abagail's muscular arms flexed. She stood beside him, Holly's hands raised - coated in dirt, as Abagail clenched her fists. He blinked, finally realizing what Abagail probably thought was going on. "Abby - no I wasn't - " she looked at him over her shoulder, her glare nothing he had ever seen before. His heart plummeted into his stomach at that one look.

A crowd formed, cheering Abagail on. But Holly turned tail and ran back into the house. That is when Abagail spat at his feet, turning and storming off into the forest that connected to the back of Mason's house.

"Abby..." he said meekly, running after her. "Baby - stop." He trotted after her, reaching out and grabbing her, she yanked her arm from his grip. But it didn't stop him from admiring her ass. Not in this moment he brushed her physical beauty to the side as he walked after her into the scary, dark forest. "Abagail." He called watching as her body started to snap, threatening to shift.

He took a deep breath, her usual sweet smell was drenched with sadness, anger, pain. She probably thought he was going to kiss Holly - which is something he would never do. But it didn't match the hurt that he could never protect Abagail from other men. That she would enjoy it - because for a moment, she had.

"Abby stop walking please!" He tried to stop his head from whipping side to side in unease. Abagail's hips involuntarily swayed as she walked through the forest in thick heels - how she always did that amazed and confused him. But she stopped walking, her hands clenched as she allowed him to catch up.

Slowly he approached her, her head bowed as she stared at the ground. He reached out, grabbing her hand in his - smiling when she let her fist uncurl.

"I wasn’t going to kiss Holly." He said softly. Around them was silent, he could barely hear the music, they must have walked further than he thought. Watching Abagail continue to walk away from him felt like an eternity. But he followed her anyway. Like he had followed her away from a battle between Hunter's and werewolves.

"They why'd you go to her?" She spoke, voice as cold as the air around them. "Why did you leave me alone in a room like that, and go to her?"

"She's my friend and I was scared." He  entwined their fingers, trying to get her to turn around and face him. He couldn't protect Abagail, he was going to tell Holly. She promised to help him however she could.

"You were scared?" She breathed, her voice cracking. That's when her cold and emotionless facade crumbled. Tears ran down her cheeks as still didn't hold his hand back. A moment of long, drawn out silence passed between them. "I thought it was you...I thought it was you - but I had too much alcohol... I thought it was you." she choked, clenching her left fist, the one that bore her tattoo - the hand he wasn't holding. "And when I shoved him off... you left me alone."

"Abagail look at me." He stood in her vision, gripping her shoulders to make her look at him. But she did, she stared at the ground behind him with a dull look on her face. "I can't protect you - I'm nothing." He cupped her face, wiping a tear from her face.

"Stop saying that." She sobbed, breaking away from him. "How can you keep saying you're nothing when you're fucking everything to me." She shoved at his chest, then gripped his shirt tightly in her hands before pulling him closer. "Why can't you get it through you're head that I'm in love with you?" She practically screamed at him, her face turning red as more tears slid down her face. Mascara ran with them - and her face screwed up in pain. It made her look a lot like her Aunt - with a somewhat crows feet.

There were so many woman and lives Abagail could live up to. They could have repeated history so many times that it was terrifying. Could have followed his parents footsteps - or her Aunts footsteps...

Or her parents footsteps.

"Do you want me to say it every second of every day?" She grabbed him tighter. Her eyes were so beautiful that he wrapped her hair around his fingers. "I love you." She breathed, another tear rolling down her cheek. "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you - " he pressed his mouth to hers. So gently and soft - a brush against those pouty pink lips. "I need you, more than you know." She sniffled, brushing his hair from out his face.

"I can't keep you safe." He whispered, watching how fucking hot she is.

"Baby I just need you." She closed her eyes, mascara running down her face. "I can punch anyone and everyone for us - I just need you holding my hand." She grabbed his hand entwining their fingers.

"What happened to us?" He smiled sadly, kissing her temple. They used to be so care free at the beginning. But now they were growing up into their world together. Getting ready to become who and what they want. But her gorgeous lips said it all.

"Do you want... a baby?" She rubbed her nose, cheeks glowing pink. He was thankful she had calmed down, he had wanted to kneel before Abby in the moment. Because he was utterly in love with her. They were mates - he was allowed to tell her the truth. Know he wouldn't be left or judged.

"Yes." He breathed, running his hand down her back.

"I... I kind of want one too." She said softly, running a hand through her hair, another hand resting on her stomach. "It's weird - that I want a baby... and with you."

"It sucks we're this young... that not everyone will understand." He sighed, tightening his grip around her shoulders.

"I mean we still use protection - It could happen in a few years, when we're older." She shyly muttered, toying with his matching red shirt.

HOLLY ran her hands through her hair, sitting on the toilet seat shaking. Why did this always happen to her? She tried to wash the dirt off her arms and hands. Why did Daniel always drag her into his spats with Abagail? She may have been the daughter of a warrior and trained like one, but Abagail Grey was all kinds of menacing.

"Holly - she's gone." Caden's voice rang from the other side of the door. Letting the door slowly ease open, she stared up at her Alpha-in-line unimpressed. He pinched his nose and tried to redirect the wind. "Wow - testosterone levels stank between you and Abs."

"She is always so grumpy." She muttered, washing her hands once more. "Did you know it was only because of Daniel?"

"That's Abby." Caden chuckled, leaning against the door frame. "Daniel said he loved you to her face at the begining." Holly whirled to face him, eyebrows raised.

"You're kidding." She gasped, flicking her hands into the sink. "I mean it was just being us... then Daniel showed up..." she trailed off, sighing.

"Holly you need to let it go." Caden sighed, walking into the bathroom, sitting on the bathtub across from her.  "It doesn't matter that you're not my Beta, you're still an important part of my pack."

"I overheard them talking... about a baby." She bit her lip, a small smile blooming on her face. "It really makes me want a mate... you know?"

"I know." Caden said softly, staring down at his hands. "I know."

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